50. Deliberation

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Interrupting his thoughts, the first prince added, "While you deliberate with my half-breed sibling, I will give you until the end of his two-week confinement to hear his reply."

"How will I get his decision to you? After all, I assume you wouldn't like others to know of this scheme of yours." The continued ploys by the royals jaded Voster, and with the strange atmosphere left in the emptying Silent Hall, he was stepping further away from royal etiquette.

"As I hold command over the guards, they will notify me of any actions within Lupine Palace while they protect the second prince and his Guard during their probation. If you pass one of them a letter addressed to me with your response, I shall visit once the two weeks are up."

"And if we refuse?"

As the last mourner disappeared out of sight, the first prince drew his sword so quickly that Voster didn't have the time to muster any power. The blade sitting on his shoulder emanated a cold breeze that penetrated through his cloak and tickled stray auburn hairs.

The first prince smirked, "I suggest you don't turn down my sincere proposal." Retracting his sword, the prince left without another word.

Hearing his footsteps echo into the distance, Voster welcomed solace in the first prince's absence. Releasing a shuddering breath, he held his shoulder tight as the invisible weight of the blade made him feel sick.

Collecting himself, he looked up at Evianna's false figure for a final time. The heavy scent of flowers was sickening enough to force him to leave. His mind whirling, he concluded the first thing he must do when he arrived at Lupine Palace would be to tell Julian about the first prince's proposal and reveal that he, too, is a Blade Master.

Returning to the palace, Voster was greeted by a blood-crumb trail leading into the building.

Following the unpromising bloody path before him, Voster was led through dark twisting corridors accompanied by the sound of the rain's hammering fists outside until he arrived at Julian's bedroom. Knocking before he entered, although not waiting for a response, Voster pushed the plain white wood door open to reveal a simple master bedroom.

Adjusting his eyes to the well-lit space, Voster examined the sight in front of him. Romile was laid out on Julian's bed wrapped in towels and bandages, bleeding through and barely conscious. Opposite, Julian was sitting on an additional bed that had been brought through that morning in advance. A thick stench of alcohol and torn flesh filled the room, but the dreadful weather didn't allow for open windows.

The second prince was in the middle of treatment, but he caught Voster's eye and nodded to hear his report.

Looking at his condition, Voster decided to only mention the first prince's proposition for now. Unfortunately, it was by royal decree that those who were punished by The Chamber were not to be healed by magic; the sinners were to only be allowed basic medical treatment so as to overcome their suffering themselves, leading them to a clear conscience. As he recounted the events from beginning to end, the Mage watched Julian's expression dance through stages of anger and amusement, as well as occasionally contorting at the sting of his wounds.

After he finished his tale, Voster asked, "What do you think, Your Highness?"

"I must say I'm surprised," Julian grunted, trying to stand, "I was sure that he would want to be king."

"Well, apparently not," Voster replied as he came over to assist him, signalling for the doctor to leave.

Slowly hobbling over to the large bed that used to have four posters attached to it, which had long since been removed, Julian looked down at the feverish Romile, "We should wait for Romile to wake up to make a decision."

"Your Highness," Voster said softly so as not to disturb Romile, "you don't seem to remember that I have watched you grow up."

"You make it sound like you're an adult," Julian responded, trying to laugh but instead winces.

"Compared to you, perhaps I am," Voster paused, startled by his own tone. Baffled by his lack of manners, he quickly added, "Your Highness."

Sighing sadly, Julian urged, "What is it you want to say?"

"That expression you are so carelessly wearing, Your Highness."

"What about it?" Julian asked cheekily, sitting down carefully beside Romile.

"It is sharing your unassailable decision," the Mage explained, bothered by Julian's obvious teasing.

"And what might that be?"

"You're going to accept his offer," Voster exclaimed.

Julian smiled and lowered himself back to lie down; closing his eyes, he began to dream of his reunion with Evianna. 

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