15. Her First Bedroom

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"Welcome back, Your Highness, Sir Mage, My Lady."

This time, meeting the neat butler, Evianna was not shocked but instead welcomed his polite curtness. Accepting his hand to assist her gently down from the carriage, Evianna smiled shyly, to which he softly nodded in return. Dismounting behind her, Julian called for the envoy to leave. As it disappeared into the twilight left by the vanishing sunlight, Evianna thought of when her mother would vanish at this time when the air was still and sweet, not to be seen for days.

"His Royal Majesty, the King, has gifted the title of Baroness to my saviour; from this moment forward, everyone in the palace is to address her as Lady Cabot."

"Of course, Your Highness," the butler looked over to Evianna, bowing his head, placing his hand on his chest to signify that he was genuinely apologetic.

Panicked, Evianna turned to Julian and Voster, yet before she could speak she noticed that the Mage was getting ready to leave. As he spoke quietly with the prince, Voster glanced at Evianna multiple times before holding up the wine amphora, letting magical light surround it until it disintegrated. The remaining pale glow resonating from his palm dwindled as he waved goodbye. Evianna's gaze searched the Mage's hand for sign of his ring, in awe of the dusk-light dancing through the glass. Suddenly, a sour breeze picked up, whipping Evianna's hair into her eyes and by the time she had moved it out of the way, Voster had disappeared.

Placing a warm hand on Evianna's shoulder, Julian breathed deeply. In the soft stillness of the oncoming night, his hot breath tickled the hair at the back of Evianna's head.

"Evianna, if you follow Loem, he will lead you to your room," he said sweetly, rotating her body to face towards the palace entrance where the butler was now waiting for them. "Since it's late and you haven't had the chance to rest properly, I think sleeping after a light snack would do you a world of good."

Thinking back, she realised Julian was right. In all the time they had been together, the only sleep she'd had was on the carriage ride towards the capital. "Alright... Julian."

As the pair walked up the stony path towards the palace surrounded by the heavy floral scent of the indigo gardens, Evianna couldn't help but smile discretely in the dimness. Once inside, Julian said goodnight, insisting that Evianna prepare for the night since he still had matters to attend to regarding the kidnapping. After a rather unenthusiastic parting, they separated for the evening.

Following the elder butler through the Lupine Palace, Evianna marvelled at the exquisite marbled walls and statues, the ascetically furbished stairways with only a pale jade rug to muffle their footsteps.

"Lady Cabot..." the butler began.

"Please... Just Evianna..."

Pausing for a moment, he sighed and met Evianna's eyes before continuing to walk and talk. "I appreciate your request for informality, however as this is the palace where status plays a large part in how one is treated, I shall continue to refer to you by your title. I apologise if this offends Your Ladyship."

"Not at all!" Evianna knew he did not mean to be rude in any way; she felt a little humiliated by her own thoughtless actions. Despite how his reserved manner of speaking portrayed him, she was thankful that he did not seem to mind.

"Very well. As you may or may not already be aware, my name is Loem Ri Sanst. Please refer to me as Loem. I was the second born to my father was Count Sanst, and I have worked in this palace from the time His Highness Prince Julian's mother resided here while pregnant."

Entering a narrow corridor, Evianna could see that the curving walls were decorated with many kinds of sculpted flowers. They were crafted from gold, stone, iron, and other materials she had never encountered.

As they arrived at a door with a handle positioned in the centre rather than the side and paint that seemed in desperate need of care, Loem said, "We have arrived. Two maids are waiting for you inside; they are polite and will serve you well. Should you have any questions, ask them, and if you have any other concerns, you are free to send for me whenever you wish."

With that, Loem left. Evianna was glad that, unlike the cottage, the palace had its own kind of lighting system, or else she would have been standing in the dark. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the handle. Feeling the sharp sensation of the cool brass against her skin, she twisted and pushed, finding herself in her first bedroom.

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