59. Enlisted

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Julian, Voster, and Romile waited in the study at Lupine Palace the following afternoon. The council meeting had been set for the morning; yet there had been no word that those in attendance had vacated the Addend Wing since the King's arrival. The three sat in silence, the occasional creaking of furniture the only sounds as they restlessly shifted without a word.

Hours passed by, the light began to grow recklessly bright as it shone through the window panes signalling the arrival of evening. A soft knock at the door turned their attention to worldly affairs; Chancellor Henos swung open the door without a summons. The short, fat man stumbled over towards the desk where a tray of untouched refreshments had gone stale from neglect. Grabbing a selection in his puffy fists, he flopped into a chair before acknowledging the information-hungry stares of the boys.

"Sir Vol Fassie, you are stabbing the cushion," said the Chancellor, sounding muffled through crumby lips. Romile looked down, startled to find that the blade he had been fiddling with had found its way into the decorative cushion sitting on his knees. Retracting the knife, he felt a hot blush crawl around his cheeks and ears.

Voster began chuckling as Romile turned the cushion over before the Chancellor then addressed him, "Imperial Mage Nile Voster, you are returning your chair to the tree it once was." The Mage's smile disappeared when he examined the legs of his seat, which were sprouting new life. This time Julian grinned as his trusted subordinate's concern and anticipation manifested in amusing ways. "Your Highness," his voiced sounded again, "aura." Groaning, Julian caught his reflection in the window; his dark aura was lightly skimming his skin. Taking a deep breath, it dissipated.

"I must say I'm glad that all three of you are nervous to hear the council's conclusion. Although I would prefer that you each held your focus and did not cause damage to objects around you." The three exchanged a knowing glance. While they knew that Chancellor Henos' tone was light-hearted, the meaning beneath simultaneously had them sitting straight, expressions drawn.

"Our apologies, we will be more careful, Chancellor," Romile proffered.

Shaking his large head, Chancellor Henos teased, "It's alright. I understand your anticipation well."

"What is the result? Did His Royal Majesty agree?" As he spoke, Julian leaned against the desk, positioned on the edge of his seat. His silver eyes were like an impatient child as he watched Henos devour the remaining biscuits in his fist.

"He did."

With a deep in-breath, Julian squeezed his toes, a smile cracking into his lips. "Finally, everything is set in motion."

"Your Highness," the Chancellor interjected loudly as he rose to his feet, scattering crumbs as he did. "I have no idea what it is you are planning, and I realise that you two are involved as well," he added while shooting a meaningful look at Romile and Voster, "I want you to know that although I disagree with your method, I am here if you need assistance."

"Thank you, Lucienne," Julian crooned.

Without a need for further conversation, Chancellor Henos took his leave. Once the snacking-man was gone, a soft relief washed through the room. With the revelation of the King's decision, the group realised that the oncoming events were fast approaching, and there was no stopping them.

"Your Highness, what happens now?" Romile quizzed the prince.

"We wait for our orders," Julian replied while brushing his fingers through his hair like a manic comb. Pausing momentarily, a thought bubbled into his mind, and he turned to the Mage who was snapping off tiny branches from his chair legs. "Voster, you can still feel Evianna's curse, can't you?"

"Of course."

"How far away can you go while maintaining that connection?"

Voster watched Julian for a moment, measuring the intention behind his words, "Are you asking if I will be able to assess the status of her curse from the battlefield?"


"Your Highness, I must admit that even for me, that might be too large of a request," his answer sounded regretful. Julian glanced at Romile, who was observing Voster as he close his eyes and cast his magic out, testing the limits of its range. After a moment, the Mage's eye shot open, and he dipped his gaze away, auburn hair shielding the perfect view from sight.

Understanding Voster's frustration, Julian concluded the conversation, "I see."

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