5. Let Us Depart

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After hearing the prince's name, Evianna's heart beat ferociously. Her cheeks turned rosy, and the heavy atmosphere that had filled the room dissipated slightly. Time passed by quickly as the small house grumbled with bodies, examining devices and potions the Witch had been using. Evianna was offered a chair and a blanket to watch the proceedings; however she was constantly aware of the eyes belonging to those who questioned her part in her mother's endeavours.

As the air began to grow warmer in the early hours of the day, Evianna was shaken from her dozing state by the young prince. As her eyelids flickered open his face chased away her exhaustion.

"Shall we get going?" Prince Julian smiled, extending his hand to once again hold hers.

Despite her clear draw towards the prince, Evianna was terrified of leaving her mother's cottage. She had never been further from her home than the village, and even then, it was a rare occasion. Glancing back, Evianna's stomach contracted at the sight of Coretta's body which men in Guard uniforms were further dismembering; history dictated that a Witch left whole after death may rise again.

"I promise everything will be alright," the dark-haired boy urged lightly, pulling her hand in the direction of the exit.

Pressing her lips together and focusing her violet eyes on his back, Evianna let him lead her from the cramped cottage where she had lived all her life. The sun was beginning to rise; the excitement and terror of the night were falling away with the new dawn. As they walked, many Guards formed a natural barrier around the children, who appeared innocent, hand-in-hand.

Evianna could now see a difference in some of the uniforms on closer inspection. A small number had the Guard Station's essential attire, while others appeared to be adored in additional decoration.

The closest to Prince Julian was the rusty-haired young man she recognised from her encounter with the Guard Station hours before. Upon noticing her stare, he turned; meeting her eyes, he grinned and nodded. Quickly Evianna bowed her head.

Shortly the group arrived at a beautiful carriage leading a trail of less ornate ones. It was the most striking and most breath-taking carriage Evianna had ever seen. It was so glossy that the wood shone; the windows were fitted with engravings, sparkling glass, and dulled gold cravings embellishing each joint.

Before the children could stop, they were welcomed by a barrage of cries and cheers. Beside the carriage was another group, comprised of knights rather than Guards, bowing briefly as the large entourage approached. Evianna shivered. The tall metal men carrying giant swords made her uncomfortable; their towering figures reminded her of Coretta. Feeling the change in tension, Prince Julian came to a halt and peered over to Evianna. Squeezing her hand gently, he positioned himself in front, blocking her view of the knights. While he did, a man who had been standing between the armed men ran over to meet the approaching crowd awkwardly as his large belly jumped and wriggled at each step.

When all met in the middle, he squeaked through heavy breaths. "Your Highness, where have you been? I have been worried sick!" Out of the corner of his eye, the panting man caught sight of the prince's hand wrapped around Evianna's and smiled. "Perhaps you could explain the current events to me in the carriage."

The elderly, round man motioned towards the decadent transport that was ready to leave. Guards stood at the ready, their green uniforms neatly fixed to suit the royal procession.

Prince Julian gazed at the line-up, contemplating the words spoken by the out-of-breath man in fancy clothes. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to sit with you today, Chancellor Henos," holding Evianna's hand up in his own, he continued, "My saviour and I have much to discuss so, please excuse us and follow in the carriage behind."

With that, Evianna let Julian pull her over and into the carriage. Nervously Evianna glanced back over her shoulder, unsure if the elderly man would be offended by his exclusion by the prince. Opposite to her expectations the man grinned from ear to ear and waved kindly as the pair stepped out of sight, puzzling her greatly. The inside was much grander than the out, with the Kingdom's representing colours of green and black filling the interior: plush green cushions, thick velvety onyx carpet and curtains.

"Was... it alright to walk away... from that man, Your Highness?" As Evianna spoke, Prince Julian's face creased into a surprised expression.

"What do you mean?" he chuckled.

"Is he not someone important... Your Highness?"

"Not particularly, and call me Julian. You saved my life, don't call me by that title." Sighing, the black-haired boy smiled in encouragement. Evianna froze, unable to speak a word; she was surprised that the boy who murdered her mother would be so kind to her. Unsure, she nodded softly. Bobbing his head in return, Julian said, "There is someone I would like to introduce you to."

Leaning out of the window, Julian called to a Guard; after a brief discussion, they parted. Not long after that, the robed boy from before entered the carriage without a word, and the group set off.

Unsure of his intension Evianna glanced at Julian, who nudged the boy, who removed his hood for the first time in Evianna's presence. His long auburn hair spilled over his cloak, tickling at the velvet as he adjusted himself before speaking.

"Nice to meet you officially; my name is Nile Voster. I am an Imperial Mage, and I work for His Highness the second prince."

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