60. Northbound

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Another knock sounded from the door; a familiar rhythm signalled Loem's presence. "Enter," Julian called. As the door swung inward, there stood two bodies in the doorway; as the second visitor entered the office, his speckled boots resonated with the wooden floorboards as he came to a halt beside Voster.

"Good evening, Your Highness, Sir Romile, Imperial Mage Voster. I assume you have already heard about the council's decision to send the three of you to the frontlines," the King's steward greeted politely.

"We have," Julian affirmed, offering a seat which Kallin Ro Beras graciously declined.

"His Majesty has sent me to inform you of the proceedings to be carried out in time for your departure at tomorrow's dawn."

"He's determined to send me to my death as swiftly as possible," the dark-haired prince preached heartily.

"Your Highness," the steward began hesitantly.

Cutting him off, Julian waved his hand. "Forgive me, please continue, Kallin."

Nodding, Kallin explained, "As previously stated, all three of you will be heading for the northern border at Rohnelle. His Highness, Second Prince Julian Dominic Oran Del Waldemar, will be assigned as Commander with his Personal Guard as Vice Commander, taking over his title and responsibilities in his absence or death. Imperial Mage Voster's duty to collaborate with Princess Illea on a cure for Soul Vine has been postponed until his return to Kenellor. At the same time, while he is positioned with the military, his title as an Imperial Mage shall hold ranking equal to a Vice Commander as there are no other Mages to spare for this mission at this time."

"Wait, I'm the only Mage going to the North?" Voster exclaimed.

"Indeed, His Majesty believes that with your talents, the victory is sealed with your presence alone."

This new information settled like a drizzle on moss as silence left the group in utter awe at their odds. Breaking the hush, Romile asked, "What about equipment, soldiers, and war-beasts?"

"There are still a number of soldiers waiting for command on the front, so you have been assigned an additional six hundred infantry, two hundred cavalries, and three war-beasts," Kallin informed him.

"Is that all?" Julian whistled, bringing his hands to his hair once again as he looked out at the disappearing evening sun, now turned a rosy pink between the navy clouds. "I never expected him to provide me enough support to survive, but this is similar to waving a white flag and mass-ordering coffins."

Denying his statement was futile. Romile felt Julian's vexation as his young frame frantically hummed with ideas of survival. "What sort of war-beasts are they?"

"Currently, there are seven Sapling Dragons and one Peryton already in position; you have been issued three experimental Chimera to take to the battlefield."

"Experimental?" queried Julian.

"I was told that Her Highness Illea Cadence Del Waldemar designed these creatures herself, but they have never been field-tested," Kallin explained.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Anything else?"

Before the steward could reply, a chipped clock suspended below a high bookshelf chimed sharply, welcoming the twentieth hour of the day.

Waiting until the rings came to an end, Kallin then bowed deeply in Julian's direction, "Yes, Your Highness, I hope you are victorious," rotating to bow to Romile and Voster, respectively he added, "and best of luck to you both as well."

After wishing the boys well, the King's steward excused himself for the day. Julian watched his back until he disappeared, knowing that he would likely not see Kallin again until the war was over and the revolution began.

Now that everything was in place and all that was left was the morning's departure just hours away, Julian scribbled a message for Wen. Folding the letter over and sealing it shut with wax, Julian then passed it to Voster to secure it with magic so that the contents would only be visible to the intended recipient.

Romile then escorted the letter through the palace to a Guard stationed nearby under the command of the first prince. After handing off his charge, Romile wandered back to pack for the long adventure ahead. In the early night-time, the crisp on-coming summer air was refreshing, a grin tickled his cheeks as he thought of Julian's note to Wen.

All went according to plan. I depart in the morning. Keep your word, and I'll keep mine – J

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