11. His Royal Majesty

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Looking at the design in the carpet, it seemed like a small bird. Curled wings danced playfully, complementing the deep green with a pearl-kissed white, which shone as the light hit it. Taking her place, she bowed deeply, her chin tapping her chest; Evianna glimpsed at where Julian was; he too stood upon a bird.

"Young Lady, the birds are called Myrdes, and they are a symbol of honesty, hope, and guidance." Evianna nodded, fascinated by the design recognising it from the many uniforms she seen on her journey. After a moment Evianna realised that the deep voice was not one she recognised. Slowly raising her head, she saw polished boots and a long black cloak.

"I apologise for being late. There was business that required my attention when you arrived." The strong male voice resonating before her in the silent glowing hall alerted Evianna to the King's presence, barely inches away without seeing his face.

Raising her head, she could make out his appearance. He stood almost six feet tall, with greying brown hair and a full beard leading down to his belt. The King did not give much away about his age besides the length of his beard and a few faded lines decorating his forehead. Evianna's mind raced as she tried to recall the rules that Sir Beras and Julian had listed. Nothing came to mind as she had not expected His Majesty to speak to her first when entering. Julian had said to follow his lead, yet she could not look his way without being impolite. Evianna began to shudder as the room closed in and a familiar sense of domination crawled over her pale, thin frame.

Unable to search for Julian's eye, Evianna struggled to take a deep breath before lifting her eyes. The moment she met the King's gaze, she remembered that she shouldn't. Pulling away in panic, Evianna looked across at Julian, who was staring, again with that stern expression on his face.

"I... I'm sorry... Your Royal Majesty. I did not... mean to..." Evianna's usual hesitance in her speech made the words sound pathetic and childish before the man who ruled all she had ever seen.

The moments that followed were heavy and uncomfortable as the vassals, maids, guards, stewards, and knights in attendance watched in awe and frustration as a little girl broke palace rules before the King. The silence eventually broke as a light, raspy chuckle left that man with a crown adorning his head. The King grinned in a different way to Julian, Evianna noted, since the two did not seem to resemble one another.

"My dear child, you saved the life of my flesh and blood, I am told. You do not need to fear me nor look away," tapping Evianna's shoulder, he continued, "Come and tell me your name and the details of your journey. I can see the Second Prince has brought you far in order to repay you, but I must also express my gratitude."

As the King walked up the steps to his throne, Julian lifted his head, diverting his eyes as he had directed Evianna to do before. His eyes fell on a man partly hidden by shadow along the back wall; he stood out in the magnificence of the brightly lit hall as almost every inch of his skin was covered by layers of fabric. Julian's jaw clenched at the man in his sights before shifting his eyes back towards the king, yet never looking directly at him. He acted as though there was no relation between them. His expression confused Evianna; the dullness in his eyes was a look that she had never encountered whether from her mother or the villagers, certainly not in any of the people she had met in the last day.

"Your Royal Majesty, as you have said, I brought the young lady with me to repay my debt, but I also..." before Julian could finish, the King boomed.

"I have not allowed you to speak!" Again the room fell quiet. Julian chewed the inner corner of his lip and set his hands by his side, appearing completely subdued. His eyes still narrowed, the King turned his attention back to Evianna, "Now, what is your name, child?"

"Your Majesty..." Evianna responded timidly yet quickly, afraid of the man's temper. The pitch of his scream was familiar to her, as she had heard it daily during Coretta's rampages. "Evianna Romilly Cabot of Hoiren, Waldemyre."

"A middle name? How unique for someone outside of noble lineage. Well, it's lovely to meet you, Miss Cabot, and how did you come to meet the Second Prince?"

Glancing over to Julian but unable to catch his eye, Evianna answered, "Your Royal Majesty, my mother... the Witch of Hoiren, stole Jul... the Second Prince. I helped him to escape her."

Nodding, the King seemed satisfied with her response. "Where is the Witch now?"

"Dead... Your Royal Majesty." Evianna felt a well in her stomach beginning to overflow. Grief for her mother was strange; fear had been Evianna's constant companion, yet Coretta was an existence she could not completely despise.

"I see. I am sorry that you faced such a thing at your tender age." Taking a moment to contemplate, the King chose his words carefully as he spoke; as he did, rage burned behind Julian's stunning silver eyes. "Before I summoned you, I was informed that there was an incident not long after your arrival. Is it true that you produced diamonds from your eyes?"

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