Bernard yandere alphabet

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Affirm: He would love you forever if you do. His heart melts at every "I love you". It just makes him feel better.

Blood: n o. You are far too precious to harm. Bernard loves you dearly and seeing you hurt would crush him.

Care: yes. He cares alot. If you insult him his heart shatters.

Dungeon: He does not want you hurtor angry at him. Bernard will try everything in his powers not to lock you up. It does not even cross his mind.

Emotions - Yes. He is vulnerable. You mean so much to him. He shows you his emotions and doesn't try to hide it.

Fight- He will cry. The man did everything for you! Then why would you hurt him?

General - Pretty good actually. The man is overbearing and protective, but he does everything for you.

Hubris- Not alot. He is very insecure. He wonders what you think of him everyday. He loses sleep thinking if you care about him.

Intimate - The man is very affectionate, cuddles, kisses. If you want it, he'll provide it.

Jealousy- Sadly yes. He will stalk you and wonder what that person has that made them more attractive to you.

Killing- N o. He loves you too much. It will shatter him to see you hurt or dead. He is never going to be the same again.

Love- He loves it when you let him carry you. He adores having you in his arms. It makes him feel better

Make a choice - (Again, wasn't given one.)

normal - Yes, he always acts like that.

Omniscient - He feels shattered. He has shown all the love and luxury you need. He just does not understand why you'd escape.

Purpose - He sees you as a romantic partner. He cannot bear to be apart from you.

Question - They are a bit untrusting and do ask alot of questions. But he tries not to go overboard as he doesn't want to push you away.

Rare - Him getting angry. It rarely happens.

share- Maybe, depends on the person. He'd be okay with sharing you with someone like Frederick or Marshall.

Type: obsessive and overbearing

unkown - No, he is vague but not on purpose. He is too nervous to make it clear

Vision - No, he simply does not understand. He thinks it is perfectly normal.

Wild - It's a last resort. If all else fails. He feels the need to protect you at all costs.

Xenophobe - Again, depends. He trusts you with people like Henry, Marshall, Augustin and obviously Frederick. Though he prefers people like Richard to stay far away.

You - Yes. He respects you enough to give you privacy.

Zealous - If you put him down hard enough he will. He does not give up easily.

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