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Bisola's house was huge, I had to admit, but not bigger than mine. Buchi held my hands and we walked into the large doors. I covered my ears because of the noise. I saw my brother smirk while looking at me.

"I hope you enjoy the party." He whispered and I glared at him. He pulled me to the table where there was an assortment of drinks and snacks. I saw Eben there and I waved. I looked at my brother who was holding my hand.

"Don't run off." He left me. I ran to Eben.

"You're here." He hugged me. I nodded.

"Aw, you came." I saw Bisola.

"Happy birthday." I wished her with a forced smile.

"Thanks." She left. I helped myself to the snacks and drinks making sure to avoid those with alcohol.

"So, are you coming for practice tomorrow?" I even forgot about choir practice. I nodded. I was eating while watching the wild teens doing all manner of. I shook my head. I even saw my brother leading his girlfriend upstairs.

*Click* I turned and saw Eben taking my picture.

"You!" This wasn't the first time. "Delete it." I tried to grab his phone. Tall boys. He raised it above his head while smiling. I became tired. "Oya let me see."

He lowered it. "The picture is fine. You can keep it. But don't-"

"It's already posted." I pouted my lips. This guy. How many pictures of mine are on the internet because of him?


"What?" He acted like he didn't know why I called him.

"The picture."

"It's pretty. You look beautiful." I smiled at his comment.

I soon felt the urge to pee. I excused myself.


I lied to her. I hadn't posted it yet but would soon. When she left I uploaded the picture to my WhatsApp status and Instagram. She wouldn't see it because she didn't use her Instagram account much. Only two posts since she joined and one was her profile picture. 

As soon as I did I received many likes. But one came with a private message.

Your girlfriend
is very cute.

She's not my


The message was from my cousin who lived abroad.

She doesn't like
you? 😏

She will. Soon.

Maybe because
you're not good enough.

🤬 Don't let the
praise get into your
head cousin.

Of course, it won't.

I'm returning for your
eighteenth birthday.
Maybe I'll have a chance
to see cutie.

Sometimes I think another
person handles your phone.

The way you speak in real life
is totally different.

One thing I knew, he wasn't this way. He hadn't ever been close to any girl except his best friend.

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