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"Kenneth? Hello? Um, I'm sorry for um, not replying your texts. Just saw them. Haven't been here up to a day. How have you been?" I pause, taking a breath before continuing the voice note. "You sound very concerned. You're worried about me. Well m fine. I missed home, mom's cooking and yeah, home. What about you? How are your holidays going?

We'll be travelling back to my hometown soon, so my holiday's going to be amazing. I haven't been back there in ages, but I miss everyone. Especially my cousins. They make celebrations worth it, honestly." I smiled in remembrance. "So um, back to your holidays. Do you stay at home or do you travel? Is it freezing there? I dunno. I guess we'll talk when you come online so..." I drawled. "I've said too much, Kenneth. And oh, my mom said something I'd like to discuss so maybe later? I'm ending the VN now. See you. Um." I laughed. "I've said a lot of 'ums.' but anyway, bye Kenneth. Happy holidays." I pressed send.

I closed the chat after going through his messages again. There wasn't really anything to do because well, Buchi was out and I would've visited Ebenezer if it wasn't exam week at pearl international. I turned off the lights, turned on the AC and curled up to nap. I was just about dozing off when the phone rang and I mindlessly answered. "Your laugh is really cute, Vivian." I checked the name of my caller. It was him. And that sentence? I wanted to scream and laugh and scream again.

"Kenneth." it came out as barely a whisper.

"Yes? It's me. Saw your VN. Feels like ages since I heard your voice. I missed it. I miss you Vivian. And I'm sorry if things really ended badly and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I guess it was too soon, too fast for you. I apologize. I-I just wanted you. And it wasn't just because you fucking arouse me but I wanted you. I'm sorry Vivian." I was speechless.

"it's okay." that's all I could say because I didn't know what else to.

"thank you. Thanks. I uh. How are you doing?"

"I told you I was fine." I couldn't stop smiling. "how about you? How's it over there?"

"I've not gone outdoors. The mansion's warm. It's boring. Dad's not here, with mom in Greece or somewhere. They'll be back soon though."

"So you're home alone?"

"If you count out the maids and butlers, yeah." He had butlers. Damn! "I'm quite bored. And replying to your earlier question...I'll be travelling. To where, I'm not sure yet. Johannesburg, maybe."

"Oh. UH, okay."

"So, Vivian, what would you like for Christmas?"

"Um, I don't know. I don't really want anything." I didn't lack anything.

"Wow...that's unusual." he laughed. "not even some Gold earring or something?"

"No. I have more than enough."

"Come on, Vivian. I want to get you something. Mention anything."


"You're serious?"

"Yeah. I am. The best chocolate in the world. Can you get me that?" I cringed at my tone. I heard his laughter. Hot.

"Sure. Nothing else?"

"Hmm. Yeah. I'm okay."

"If you say so. If you say so."

"How about you?"

"All I want for Christmas is you." his baritone made my mouth water. I giggled at the song. "I'm not joking. I'm serious you know."

"I'm sorry but I can't fulfil that wish." I tried my best imitation of his accent. "we're so far away."

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