"Where's Wilbur?"

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Y/n's POV:
L'manberg, it was more was gone than before. He had actually brought the withers to life. Luckily Techno is gone now, he screamed 'Technoblade never dies!' and then pearled away. That likely meant he was probably about to die.

"There you go." i said calmingly as i finished bandaging Tommy's wounds as he rambled on about the fight. He calmed a bit, stopping in the middle for his sentence and looked like he had realized something. I raised an eyebrow, "What's up?" i said.

"Where's Wilbur?"

I sat back quickly in shock, "You went after him, where'd he go?" Tommy said sort of panicking. "He's-" i was cut off "Wilburs dead!" Tubbo shrieked from the distance. "Yeah.." i said standing up and walking to where Tubbo was, 'The final control room' as Wilbur called it.

I walked up to the now crying Tubbo and hugged him, "I'm so sorry." i whispered laying my head on top of his. Tommy was still sat in shock he was finally gone.

I was a bit shocked as well.

A simple town, a town where we woke up, ate, farmed, built, and so on. A few wars every once and a while but otherwise it was as normal as it could be. But on a day that was supposed to be like any other, doom rained upon us, the citizens of the simple town. It rained doom before we even knew it. All because of Schlatt.

I looked to Wilbur, a simple towns ruler. Fair, usually. Not all the times he should've been but overall he tried and cared for the people, the town, the builds. Until the election, our doom. L'manbergs.

I gave Tubbo a piggy back ride to a small shack i had built. Me, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, and Fundy, the OG group, - one. Kinda like the night Tommy and Wilbur were exiled but Tommy's here now.

I, Fundy, and Niki Slept on the floor since we were the ones with the least amount of injuries. We slept with a shared blanket and our own pillows. It was kinda like the nights in the camarvan because we had no buildings.

I miss it already.

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