just to fall."

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Y/n POV:
"Look around." Tubbo said looking to Dream, pausing for a moment to allow everyone to look around the supposed to be free nation that's bordered with walls, obsidian walls.

"There's giant obsidian walls." Dream pointed out, "There is, There is and that is a problem" Tubbo stated about to say more but was cut off by Dream. "Tubbo i trust you, you're the best leader this nation has ever had. I trust that you will make the best decision for lmanberg like you always have.".

"Y'know this is quite funny actually." Tubbo said laughing causing Tommy to laugh too, "I'm sorry Tommy, i'm sorry actually." Tubbo apologized for some reason.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Dream you-" Tommy started, "Tommy. I am so, so, so sorry." Tubbo said cutting Tommy off with a stern stare still apologizing "Sorry?" Tommy questioned.

"Dream, i have come to the decision that it'll be best for the nation, the most logical thing to do is for Tommy to be exiled from lmanberg." Tubbo said hesitating a bit. What's littered the sound what's of betrayal, confusion and slight anger. All logical feelings.

"Deciding not to exile him would betray all i stand for. I want this to be a nation of peace and freedom! And that is something i cannot achieve with walls and unreliable people." Tubbo said shutting everyone up, i sat in shocked silence this was a day i never thought would come.

"If you're calling Tommy unreliable then you're just the worst hypocrite ever. We just talked about this decision yesterday!" Quackity yelled rushing to Tubbo but being stopped by Fundys arm. "I wasn't being unreliable, i was just lying. War is something i despise and don't want in my nation." Tubbo said sternly, Tommy was back to grabbing my sleeve scared of what's to come next.

"Tubbo you know what this looks like?" Fundy said butting in, "What, what does it look like fundy." Tubbo said sounding kind of annoyed. "We agreeed on something and you just last minute call it off for your own benefit. You're acting like Schlatt." Fundy said causing everyone to go silent and causing Tubbos expression to go from annoyance to disappointment. Disappointed that Fundy would ever compare him to the man who made him decorate his own execution.

"Yeah, that's it Tubbo, that's exactly what schlatt would do i would know i was his right hand man." Quackity said hopping on the bandwagon just making everything worse.

"This is what dream wants, why? Why would you- why?" Tommy said finally speaking up, letting go of my sleeve to walk towards Tubbo. "It's not the way it's not the right way." Tubbo said closing his eyes and looking down, "How is this the right way tell me how is this the right way?" Tommy said asQuackity and Fundy agreed.

"How are the discs wrong, can't you see it's been the thing since the beginning?!" Tommy said sounding quite hurt, "The discs don't matter Tommy! how can you not see that? they don't matter!" Tubbo said finally cracking and yelling at Tommy rage in his voice. "Why what?" Tommy said his voice trembling, "Dream please detain and escort Tommy out of my country." Tubbo said calmly turning back to Dream. Disapproving yells came from Quackity and Fundy while Dream rushed Tommy back always from Tubbo and down the stairs then to who knows where.

For a moment there was silence birds i had never heard before were finally heard, Dream and Tommy's footsteps faded slowly, we could even hear Ranboo scribbling down notes in a book. Silence was never so loud.

Then something louder than silence erupted, Quackity threw Tubbo down to the obsidian he stood on. A harsh breath came from Tubbo followed by yelling and arguing. Fundy tried to break up their fighting just creating more yelling.

I pulled out my sword the sound of the steel quickly being pulled out of my sheath attached to my belt was unbearably loud. They stopped abruptly all protectively reaching for their swords.

"It was Tubbos choice." i said pointing my sword to Tubbo, "Well yeah but-" Quackity started "No buts, he's the president and we should respect it. Even if it seems like an unreasonable decision it's Tubbos best friend it's for the better i'm sure." i explained and Tubbo got up and nodded. "Why would i come so far with Tommy, with L'manberg, with all of you just to fall." Tubbo said looking around for an answer that wasn't given, "Exactly, i wouldn't. It's for the best for the people and my priorities. Tommy knows he's my best friend and i'm sure he'll understand and as soon as Dream let's him out of exile me and him could just bounce back." Tubbo explained, finally it made more sense to Quackity and Fundy.

"There isn't a when, there's only an if."

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