Tommy and Ghostbur

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Y/n POV:
We had been waiting for a while and i was starting to worry Tommy said it would be quick, that he would hurry. Now i was pacing around at the front of the prison worrying. If he gets caught by Sam before he goes in it'll be hell to pay for both Tommy and Ghostbur, if he gets caught after he kills Dream there will still be hell to pay for both of them but more for Tommy. Either outcome sucked but at least neither of them die!

Ranboo put his hand on my shoulder stopping my pacing, "He'll be okay alright? Both of them will." he said calmly, almost like he actually believed that himself. Tubbo came up to where me and Ranboo were and took Ranboos hand of my shoulder. It confused me at first but then he hugged me, still didn't make much sense but it was sweet. I hugged him back. I just hope they'll be okay for Tubbo and myself. Tommy's always been like a little brother and Ghostbur reminds me of all the good things Wilbur was or just Wilbur before L'manberg.

A portal warping sound caused us all to look behind us.

A/n: happy birthday to @YourLocalSatanAmino !!

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