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Y/n POV:
I woke a bright and early to practice, i mean there is a war.

If i'm honest i'm scared, more scared then i was the first war. This time we would win, without trading disks. Win and get back L'manburg. Maybe Will would snap out of it then.

I grabbed my bow, arrows, armor, and my best sword. I put my armor on, and slung the arrows safely in my bag across my back.

Then i realized i needed someone to practice with. In the nick of time Techno walked into Pogtopia. I mean i'd rather not practice with him but oh well. "Hey Techno." i said "Hey." he replied almost walking past me "Techno, come practice with me." i said, it was less of an offer and more of an order.

"Fine. Hold on." he said walking down the stairs, i went outside the cold air blew in my face. Thank notch it was cold out, i could never fight in the heat.

Techno, armor clad walked outside ready to start practicing. "You ready?" he asked "As i'll ever be." i replied, as soon as the word 'be' left my mouth Techno charged towards me, his sword in hand.

I swiftly backed up, grabbing an arrow from my bag and sliding it into my bow. I fired the arrow directly at Technos face, he seemed to panic before blocking it with his sword. The tip of the arrow clashed with the metal of the sword and sprung down into the ground.

I rapidly fired two more arrows only to be blocked again by his sword. It was slowing him down for sure, i put my bow into the slot on the side of the bag that was carrying my arrows.

I grabbed my sword and got ready to clash swords with him. He ran to me and swung his sword at my left hip, i caught notice of this and directed my sword to his, throwing my self right in order to block his blow.

He stepped back as i readied my sword, i swung blindly and his sword raised again clashing the metals together. I pulled my sword back and swung fast, giving him no time to react. Fortunately for him my sword only grazed his arm.

"I win!" i cheered lifting my hands above my head gripping my sword tight, almost giving me splinters. I ordered Techno to take off his jacket and roll up his sleeve so i could tend to his wounds. He followed my order and i grabbed the spare bandage in my bag and wrapped it around his arm.

We walked back into Pogtopia to see Wilbur, Tubbo, Niki, Tommy, and Quackity. The L'manburg crew plus 2. Quackity and Techno made good additions, Quackity is good at winning arguments and Techno could fight like no other. Could kill like no other.

An hour passed and we were prepared to achieve practically anything, everything we have in mind. And it's simple what we want to achieve. We want to achieve taking over the government, and getting it back.

We want to win the war.

We walked swiftly alongside Techno who said he had something to show us. He opened a trapdoor no one knew of leading to a ladder down into a cave looking thing. Everyone climbed down the ladder and there was netherite armor, diamond swords, bows, arrows, and shields.

"Wow!" practically everyone screamed in disbelief, we walked to the loot grabbing one set of armor, one sword, one bow, one shield, and a stack of arrows slung into the bags on their back. This was great, too great.

We walked out and i took notice that Wilbur only had a bow and a few arrows. Was he gonna go with plan B?

We charged to Manburg and there was no people, they were hiding. Arrows shot down from a high tower. My head whipped to the tower, Dream, Punz, Karl, and Schlatt were the only ones i could see. There was more, i was sure of it. We ran to the bottom of the tower and climbed up it.

We immediately seen Karl and Schlatt, but they were on the third lever of the tower. We climbed up through shouted orders and seen Karl and Schlatt looking for us. We ran over to them ready to kill, they took notice of us and enderpearled away. Supposedly to where the rest of there team went.

We fired out arrows to where Karl and Schlatt went, hoping to hit the other members too. Purpled, and Sapnap showed themselves from behind a wall and fired up at the tower, they weren't able to hit us because of how high up we were.

We enderpearled down to fight more close up and Dream waved a white flag. "What?" many people on Pogtopias side said. "I need to talk with you all." Dream said, everyone stepped closer holding their weapons down listening.

"Schlatts an idiot." Dream said, everyone stayed quiet to let him continue "I mean, i gave him weapons, armor, power. And where is he?" Dream said making everyone look around for him not to be seen.

"We surrender, the person me and my men decided to fight for isn't here." Dream complained. "Follow me all of you." he ordered in which we followed.

He went to the camarvan and opened the door to see a drunk looking Schlatt. Schlatt was huffing and panicking as everyone intruded circling around him.

"Fundy!" Schlatt exclaimed clinging onto Fundy, who backed up symboling he wasn't someone with Schlatt. Schlatt looked up to Fundy no longer clinging to him and his eyebrows furrowed.

He opened his mouth to say something but didn't, he raised his fists and punched Fundy many times. Dream held Schlatt back while Schlatt tried to run to Fundy and punch him.

"Tommy, put the crossbow between his eyes won't you?" Wilbur said indicating for Tommy to kill Schlatt. Dream only restrained Schaltt while Tommy put the crossbow between his eyes.

"What are your last words?" i asked "I won't die! If i die so does this country!" Schlatt exclaimed "No it doesn't." Tommy said putting the crossbow closer to his eyes. Schlatt coughed, a lot "Schlatt are you okay?" Dream said looking down at Schlatt who was falling to the ground grabbing his chest, coughing more.

He fell to the ground and looked.. pale. Lifeless.

He was dead.

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