"It's your choice , left or right?"

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Y/n POV:
I woke up enveloped in Wills arms again, it wasn't the same though because i had told him how i feel and so did he. It was better, i poked my head up the slightest bit to check if he was awake or not.

He wasn't, he had a rosy glare on his cheeks and a soft smile. I could tell he slept peacefully.

"Cmon lovebirds get up! It's a new day for war!" Techno shouted ruining my one sided moment. I side-eyed Techno to show my annoyance. Wills are slowly loosened around my waist.

"Good morning Y/n, Techno." He said with a smile. Once Will fully let me go i got up as did he. "New day for war?" "And lovebirds?" i questioned Techno. "Well, the war is in a day. And the second one is obvious." Techno stated, i didn't know there was war in a day?

I had to prepare. I mean we do have Dream on our side but i swear to god if he shows me up, i'll kill him.

"Hello Pogtopians." Dream said resting his arrow into his bag. He was a safe distance away, not that we could do anything anyway.

"I have an announcement to make." Dream said with a sly grin. "Where are the others?" Dream said referring to Niki, Tubbo, and Tommy. "We're here green bitch!" Tommy said busting out of the garden door Niki and Tubbo trailing behind him.

"Great." Dream said, ignoring Tommy's comment. "I'm not on your side anymore." Dream stated with a now serious look, gasps filled the room as Tommy cursed Dream out.

"Why?" i asked, i mean i wasn't surprised. Dreams been against us since day 1 what do you expect. "Schlatt's offered me something." Dream answered "What could he have possibly offered YOU?!" Tommy said offended.

"Let's just say, something better than friendship." Dream said, i wasn't sure what he meant more why he compared it to friendship. Sappy shithead.

Dream about walked out the door but stopped in his tracks, "Oh yeah, i forgot to say there's a traitor amongst you. A unexpected traitor. Good luck!" Dream said cackling as he left.

The door slammed shut, but opened again? Fundy popped out from around the corner, a book in hand. Will looked shocked, not sure why though.

"Pogtopians!" Fundy announced maybe too proud for being a traitor, "How about some double crossing eh?" he said confusion spread through the room as we stayed silent and let him continue.

"I have something that may help you." Fundy said lifting the book in his hands a bit indicating that that's the thing that'll help us.

"What a mere fuckin' book?" Tommy said, i agreed what could the book hold if it held any information? "Just look in the book." Fundy scoffed handing it to Wilbur. Wilbur about immediately opened the book

"A spy's diary? By an anonymous author." Wilbur read out the title of the book. A confused expression appearing on his face peering up to Fundy "Turn to page 15." Fundy ordered simply in which Wilbur obliged flipping the somewhat dusty pages to page 15.

"You really wrote in this everyday?" Wilbur questioned before reading it,

Page 15
The Following is confidential information,
if you are caught in possession of this diary a immediate execution may result by authority.

It went on to talk about his smoking, drinking, and muscle problems sharing confidential information proving and saying Schlatt is at his weakest point at this moment. It also talks about how Schlatt is taking bad care of L'manburg and its L'manburgians, also how no 'Manburgian' is actually on Schlatts side.

"Wait so no ones on Schlatts side?" Wilbur said in disbelief still staring at the diary, "Yep." Fundy responded. "Well Dream is on Schlatts side so, i'm sure Dreams goons will follow Dream and his orders." i said making sure they couldn't leave out that detail. They are getting way to in over their heads.

"Oh yeah shit, i forgot." Wilbur said his facial expression dropping.

A few minutes later i walked off with Quackity and Tubbo by Quackitys invitation to talk with him outside. "What's up Quackity?" Tubbo said wondering what Quackity dragged us outside to talk about,

"Dream said there's a traitor and, i don't think you guys are the traitors so.. i want you two to help me figure out who it can be." Quackity explained.

"I think it's Tommy." i said crossing my arms, Tubbo shot me a glare. "Tubbo i know it'd be hard to believe but Dream said it'd be unexpected." i said, he nodded glad i had a reasonable explanation. "I don't think it'd be Niki. And Wilbur is far gone." Tubbo said Quackity nodded jotting down notes of what me and Tubbo were saying.

"Who do you think it is Quackity?" i asked "I think Tommy for the same reason as you. Maybe Techno." Quackity said. I don't think it'd be Techno. We're overthrowing the government, just what he wants. Plus his brothers are on Pogtopias side!

"So Tommy is a public enemy." i said looking over Quackitys shoulder as he jotted down notes. "Yeah you could say that." Tubbo said looking down. I really hope it isn't Tommy though.

"Techno is definitely a wildcard, he could go either way." Tubbo said, he was right. Techno goes against everything and everyone. "Maybe Fundy?" i suggested "Oh yeah, he did come in right after Dream announced the traitor." Quackity said jotting that down.

After a while of marking down who the traitor may be we decided that Tommy and Fundy are most likely of betrayal. We thought Wilbur might blow up L'manburg in the worst case scenario. But we all hoped he didn't.

"Stand up everyone." Quackity said as me and Tubbo stood. Quackity placed two blocks separating me and Tubbo from Quackity, "Let's make a decision okay?" Quackity shouted not sure if we could hear him from behind the blocks or not.

"Step to the left to fight for L'manburg, our country. And step right to run from the war." Quackity said. "It's your choice, left or right?" Quackity said softly. I wasn't sure if Quackity was talking to himself or me and Tubbo.

"Count down from ten and then step,"

"1," my palms started to sweat.

"2," my head started hurting.

"3," i started thinking of what i wanted to do.

"4," i considered running.

"5," but what if i'm the only one stepping right?

"6," maybe i should go left.

"7," but what if we all die?

"8," what if it's just a bloody mess?

"9," What if Wilbur blows it up?

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