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Your POV:
It was a few days before the actual election. We were supposed to talk about our endorsements, by 'we' of course i mean the running party's! POG2020 the one i'm personally rooting for, and ugh SWAG2020 what a dumb fuckin' name.

I was ready to see what all the party's had to say. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity were already at the stand just hanging around i had no idea where George was. Also fundy and Niki were no where to be seen i wondered where they were. I didn't pay much attention to worrying before so i just sat at the chairs below the stand hearing Tommy and Will discuss what they were planning to do and in what order why hadn't they planned earlier? I chuckled quietly at my own remark.

Finally everyone who is supposed to be here, besides Fundy and Niki was here and ready to be influenced who to vote one last time. I could tell it was unorganized already considering the lack of people here, uh ya'know there was only.. 4. Niki and Fundy still weren't here and i started to worry but i figured they were okay. But George wasn't here? Quackitys party seemed weak, he couldn't find a running mate/ VP at first, then his VP was attempting murder, and now his VP is not even here.

The mic boomed over the area infront of the podium Tommy was mic testing by tapping twice on the mic. He then cleared his throat and said, "So, what we will being doing is, first of all we will be saying our initial cases, the biography's if you will Quackity will go then Wilbur will go. After that we will start the rally.". Tommy said it will so much confidence though it had many errors and wasn't too planned out. Tommy then whispered something to Will and Will obviously was confused which made me chuckle a bit.

"First off is Quackity!" Tommy's voice boomed through the mic his voice practically bouncing off of the walls as he turned, walking away from the stand to give up the stand to Quackity. He went to sit in the back of the podium somewhat behind Will.

Quackity walked up to the stand passing Tommy and glaring at him he then looked out to the few people here scanning for someone, most likely George but he didn't look particularly worried or nervous he looked confident, which scared me considering how bad his party looked.

"Okay, hello, hello" he said backing away from the mic realizing how actually loud it had been. "Well, i'm gonna start off by saying my friend and running mate, George, is not here today because he is too busy- uh, uhm reg-regarding matters that will eventually be a good thing for our society in the long run. That is why he is not present." he stuttered and it seemed as if he was very unsure about what he was actually doing. "Anyways, my name is Quackity," "or so-called Big Q by a traitor to society, Tommy." he said dead glaring at Tommy while Tommy chuckled thrown off by why he would even mention his little nickname.

Quackity then went on to talk about things about himself and his policys then finally it was Wills turn.

"Thank you so much" he said as the audience and Will clapped, he backed away from the stand to sit on the left side of the podium as Wilbur walked up to speak.

"Hi, uh- i'm President Wilbur Soot i'm here to tell you i'm running for president," good way to state the obvious Will. "and the reason i'm running for president is because i felt it was unfair of me to decide by myself that i would the president, or well more like a dictator" he went on about himself and his policys just as Quackity did. Except that uh, "filthy Americans" comment didn't land too well.

They were about to have a brief reassess until,

"Wait, wait." two unexpected voices called. i noticed the voices right away "Fundy and Niki?" i questioned looking over at the two emerging from behind the L'manburg wall in- suits? I wondered why they showed up so late but also looking so professional.

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