"We're holding an election!"

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A/N: Not everything in this will be accurate to what the actual stream was
It all started on a day like any other i woke up, ate, and went to the farm to help Fundy and Niki harvest carrots and wheat while the rest of L'manberg did whatever they decided.

"Hey guys!" Tubbo yelled while running to us, "What's the rush Tubbo?" i half-yelled back as he stepped closer. The wet mud squished underneath his shoes as he ran with a excited look on his face.

I brushed off the dirt on my sweatpants waiting for Tubbo to explain why he was in such a rush to get over here. "Well uh, i'm actually not sure yet because Tommy and Will asked me to come get you all."

"Alright well let's just go and see what's up then i guess." Fundy said me and Niki nodded in agreement, i put the carrots and wheat i had collected in the chest that contained the rest of the already harvested food.

We walked over to where Will and Tommy were which seemed to be a bare land just outside of l'manburg. "Yo, Will, Tommy what's going on? why aren't you inside l'manburg?" i questioned generally confused. It wasn't like we had to be inside l'manburg Dream wasn't all that strict about it but, i definitely felt safer being inside l'manburg than outside of it. I noticed Quackity lerking nearby but wasn't generally trying to be seen, i just decided to ignore it for now to listen to what Wilbur had to say.

"Well, me and Tommy have been talking it over and we've decided," he looks over at Tommy as if to get his approval, Tommy nods motioning for him to continue "We're holding an election!"

"why?" me and Tubbo asked simultaneously and looked at either smiling trying not to laugh. "Well because i thought it was unfair that i just proposed myself president without an actual vote so, we're holding an election." "against who though?" Niki asked, i nodded looking at Niki then back to Will "no one else! just me!" Wilbur exclaimed "That's as unfair as electing yourself" i said shooting Will a dirty look.

I personally didn't mind Wilbur being president because i mean we haven't died yet also he's not bad at all!

"Well uh, it's an election either way!" Will said "Whatever i don't mind anyway" i said with a bit of a chuckle to let him know that i wasn't actually mad and just messing around. I starting to walk back to my home because it was getting darker by the minute. i heard crunching of the crispy leaves that had fallen a while before i turn around to see no other then the one and only.. Quackity. He stood infront of Wilbur with a challenging look, almost looking as if he was ready to challenge him to a silly stick duel.

"I wanna run." Quackity said, Wilbur just stared at him confused "Wha?" "I wanna run for president." everyone standing there at that moment Tubbo, Wilbur, Tommy, Niki, Fundy, and me shot Quackity a weird look "why?!" I exclaimed almost looking more offended than confused. I couldn't tell you why i felt a bit of anger towards him there was nothing wrong with him, he wasn't a bad guy.

"Well it's not fair to run against nobody isn't it Y/N?" he said looking over to me smirking implying something i had said earlier. Now i understand more of why he hid, "Alright then" Wilbur said. "What?! Will he can't just do that!" Tommy exclaimed "Technically he can, the ballots still open." Will said looking at the ground.

"Yea Tommy, the ballots still open!" Quackity said proudly as of saying he already knew which i'm going to assume he didn't. "Well what are your guys party names?" i asked "Uhhhhhhh, POG2020!" Tommy said looking over to Wilbur for a nod of approval Will gave Tommy a confused look and slowly nodded i'll bet you a million bucks they just came up with that. "SWAG2020." Quackity said with little to no hesitation, i'm guessing he's had it planned as he was watching Will and Tommy talk about running. "Good luck to you Quackity." Wilbur said putting out a hand for Quackity to shake "i won't need luck Sir," Quackity said looking at Wills hand and chuckling then walking off to who knows where.

"What a bastard!" Tommy said
FIRST CHAPTER DONE! Let's goooooooooooooo hope you enjoyed i'll try to get the next one down later or tomorrow have a good day!

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