"Y/n? What are you doing here"

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Third person POV:
"Fuck you Wilbur." Y/n angrily spat out meaning it only that once as everyone but Dream was a bit shocked. Every time Y/N had said something as aggressive or hurtful as that it was a joke and came with a chuckle after but, with the way Wilbur was just spewing out reckless ideas like blowing up all L'manburgians home made her actually mean it.

Not just because L'manburg was a safe place of warmth and used to be peace to her but also because it was all L'manburgians safe place too and for him to say he'd take it all away in one blow and not look back would hurt all the nations old members.

Y/n ran off up to the door out of L'manburg only turning around for a coat she ran off with no destination but just to look for somewhere to bunk for a while.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" a familiar voice called out a few steps away from her behind a tree. She wasn't able to identify the voice but she knew whoever said that for sure.

She glanced around panicking until a man with a beanie stepped out from behind a tree.

"Quackity?" Y/n said squinting her eyes trying to identify if it was him. "Yeah, what are you doing here? Out of Pogtopia i mean." Quackity questioned "Well.." Y/n started until she realized that Quackity wasn't on her side and trailed off. If Wilbur was gonna execute his plan she didn't wanna get caught in the crossfire for snitching.

"Nothing. What are you doing?" she interrogated changing the subject and pointing the topic towards him. "I needed to get away from Schlatt." he willing-fully admitted "Schlatt?" Y/n repeated not getting it, if anyone is on Schlatts side it has to be Quackity.

"Yeah, ever since the election was announced he got power-hungry and wasn't the same." Y/n wasn't sure what to think of it all, it seemed like he was telling the truth but it just didn't make sense.

"What about you? I've shared your turn." Quackity said obviously not wanting to speak about it anymore. "Well kind of the same thing with Wilbur. He is being reckless." i said looking down towards my boots. Disappointed that i even had to say that.

"I'm sorry." Quackity apologized taking a step closer. "Maybe would you like to stay with me till the festival?" Quackity said.

Y/ns head snapped up in suprise "Really? You'd do that?" Y/n said. She sort of trusted Quackity and had nowhere to go so it was perfect!

"Of course! Follow me." Quackity and Y/n walked a lot steps into the woods and arrived at Quackitys secret humble abode. It was well lit with lanterns on the deck and in the house. It was small and you could tell he when here alone to sleep when things in Manburg got rough.

Y/n POV:
It was odd that Quackity so welcomingly just let me into his secret cabin but it was convenient so i took the risk. Quackity and i didn't talk much before the election but when we did it was friendly and we seemed a bit close whenever we had conversations.

"If you'd like you can take the bed." Quackity offered, i took a seat on the comfy bed you could sleep forever on it. "So how long can i stay?" i asked. Though he invited me in i didn't want to bother.

"Maybe till the festival so about 2 days possibly?" Quackity said he was confused about it but i was grateful for it especially because if someone happens to come across us might think he's a traitor. "Thank you." i said.

"If you don't mind what did Schlatt do that drove you away?" "Well he started drinking again so i came here. I do that every time he drinks." i looked down i felt bad, Schlatt was the type of guy to drink till he died he must come down here a lot i mean he built a cabin just to get away.

"I'm sorry." I said "It's not you're fault Y/n." he said looking to me with a warm smile.

"We'd best sleep." i said "Yeah, goodnight Y/n."

"Night Quackity."


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