"Are we..friends?"

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Y/n POV:
"Yeah Ranboo? What's up?" i asked looking at my hands still, "Are we..friends?" he said a bit hesitant. I looked to him, in his eyes. Too no surprise he freaked out when i did so. Guess he really does hate eye contact.

"Yeah of course. Why? Do you need me to do something for you?" i said and as soon as i did he flipped to one of the first pages and wrote something down. I had a feeling it was my name. "No you're fine, friends aren't just friends for favors right?" he said, i laughed a bit, he was quite clueless somehow. "I guess a lot of my 'friends' have thought of friendship that way but you're right it's more than favors." i smiled softly at him.

He looked at me and smiled back looking in my eyes for a second then looking away.

He was strange but not in a bad way. He just seemed skittish. I stood up, "I'm going out for a bit just to hunt, wanna come with?" i asked offering a hand to help him up. He could stand up by himself but him taking my hand would mean he was coming with, without saying anything he took my hand and let go quick. I raised an eyebrow, guess he wasn't one for physical contact either. He impatiently nodded toward the door and with that we left.

"Then you just pull back and-!" i was cut off by the arrow quickly spiking through the air and into a poor chickens back. It knocked it down considering that a chicken is a smaller animal than a cow or sheep. So it had barley any physical strength to hold itself up.

I picked it up and stabbed it with a smaller knife to make sure it was put out of its misery considering it wasn't dead. I shoved it into a big plastic bag and then into my backpack.

Ranboo looked uneasy, i mean i did just kill a chicken but we need to eat somehow and i'm not gonna be a vegan.

"Couldn't we have just gone to the shops? I have spare dia-" - "No." i cut him off harshly and stared a hole into his face. The shops were in the Dreamsmp. The DREAMsmp i refuse to buy from or even go there.

"We're going home." i said walking back up the hill we climbed down, "But we just got here?" Ranboo said in a confused tone. "I don't feel like hunting anymore." i said standing on the 'prime path' my mood ruined, we started walking back until Ranboo pointed out the moon.


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