Earth to Ranboo

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Ranboo POV:
I got in the boat and it almost immediately splashed me, i freaked out and teleported. I had my eyes closed and it didn't hurt as much as i thought it would i expected more burning from it but my mind exceeded the reality of it.

I opened my eyes finally to see beach towels and sand. Looking around i realized i'd teleported to the island the one i was supposed to go to.

I smiled and heard footsteps, "Ranboo?" someone said i didn't remember who's voice it was but they had a smile on their face i could tell by the tone. By the tone of their voice i guessed it was Tommy's and turned around. The masked man, Dream i think was there instead. With a smile as expected but not the one with his actual mouth but instead his awfully disturbing mask one. "W-where's Tommy?" i asked about to back up but immediately remembering there was water right behind me.

He chuckled noticing what i'd realized and took a step toward me. Normally i step back to match his stepping forward but again there was water.

"He's here obviously. He's been doomed to this land by his own best friend. Speaking of, buddy! How've you been?" he said as if he'd spoken to me before, in a friendly way that is. But all the conversation we've had was about what got Tommy here in the first place.

"Hello? Earth to Ranboo." he said waving his hand in-front of my face, i stopped my zoning out and walked past him. I'd rather speak to someone i'm actually friends with instead of this dude. He seemed baffled that i walked past him. Like he is so used to attention negative or positive that he feels godlike. But he can only be so wrong. He's visible because he's human, if he were invisible he'd be more godlike. So in reality, this should make him ecstatic.

I wandered up a hill and seen a cabin looking thing guarded by a small wall and a tent left in the open. "Ranboo!" a much more chaotic voice yelled arms were almost immediately wrapped around my waist,

this was familiar. This was Tommy.

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