it wasn't enough for Dream

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Y/n's POV:
"What a stupid man." i said half shocked and half mad that he'd even think for a second that Tubbo would even consider exiling his life long friend. "Y/n." Tubbo said sternly, it startled me. Tubbo is a person i'd never think would yell, talk sternly, or insult almost anyone with some exceptions of course. But, he's proved me wrong.

"Please gather Ranboo and Fundy." he requested with a tone that told me it was more of an order rather than request. "Alright Tubbo. But, first who the hell is Ranboo?" i asked mentioning the name i was not familiar with that he had mentioned before, "Oh yeah, you slept for a few hours and in that time Ranboo wandered into the Dreamsmp and if i'm right met Tommy and may have helped Tommy burn down George's house." he said really fast, obviously panicking. I put my hand on his back "Calm it down, so then what happened?" i said.

"Dream found out and freaked out about it, called me and to try and reason with Dream i called all the cabinet members as-well as Tommy and Ranboo. In short we stripped Tommy's power from him in the cabinet and put him on probation." he explained.

"And let me guess, it wasn't enough for Dream?" i asked, "For then it was enough for him but, Tommy decided he wanted to insult him. Because Tommy is Tommy." he said looking down, disappointed. "What's this Ranboo guy look like?" i asked, "Uh, well he's got black and white skin, a crown, and he wears a black suit." he said looking at me.

"What." i said trying to figure out if he was messing with me or not. "Also he's tall as fuck. Hard to miss him." Tubbo said as serious as ever, "If you're fucking with me right now Tubbo you're dead." i said laughing a bit as i walked away.

I wondered around a bit to find this Ranboo, and suddenly to my luck and terror. There was a tall man, wearing a suit, a crown, and had black and white skin. "I hope you're Ranboo because if not my necks gonna be broken from looking up." i joked looking up to him, "Haha, yeah." he said awkwardly. "Follow me." i said walking up the stairs on the "Prime path" to try and find Fundy, judging by the obnoxiously large shadow behind me i guessed he was following me.

"Fundy." i said walking up to Fundy with a stern look as he was walking up to Dream, sword in hand. He turned around immediately putting his sword away.

"Tubbo needs you, follow me."

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