"Someone with more arrows."

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Dreams POV:
What had she been doing here? This was my spot the only spot that Wilbur and such didn't attempt to claim or concur. "Why are you here." i said sternly looking Y/n in the eyes, she turned to face me "Where is Tommy." she asked barley afraid. Does she know what i am capable of?

"In exile, on an island." "Which one?" i chuckled ignoring her and her question walking past her my back to her. The small sound of a bow loading and being ready to be shot was heard. I quickly turned as she released the arrow, i caught it as it was barley inches from my neck. I thought with Y/n being Y/n she would threaten me instead of attempting to murder me.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Someone with more arrows."

She fired yet another arrow proving she in fact did have more arrows, but this time she fired at my leg, more specifically my thigh. I immediately fell over as it was unexpected and hurt like hell. I winced at the pain as i tried to pull it out of my leg, i eventually did such and hurriedly bandaged it up with the last bandages i had in my bag.

"Now if you're done crying me a river, show me where he is."

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