"Tubbo, get up here!"

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Y/n's POV:
Silence, fell throughout the room. There was nothing to be said. People shuffled away from the rotting body of Schlatt, no one liked the guy. Not even his allies, you can't help but feel bad for him.

Quackity ran to Schlatts body after standing in fear for a while. Quackity and Schlatt used to be close, though they grew apart from one another, Quackity still cared.

He silently weeped on the lifeless body knelt to the side of Schlatt. I backed up from the sad scene until i bumped into someone, i looked to the person i bumped into softly apologizing to them as i looked at them.

It was Will, his face was stone cold, you couldn't read it if you tried. Whilst his eyes, they told the whole story for him. He had mixed emotions about whether he was right or wrong in this situation, whether he wanted to cheer they won or be sad they had to 'win' like this.

He was deciding to blow it up or not.

I stopped staring at Wilbur and sat beside him, I watched in between peoples legs Quackity still mourning his dead friend. Unfortunately, i could smell Schlatts alcoholic scent from here.

I bet it was strong where Quackity was too, poor guy honestly.

After a bit Quackity could no longer cry and stood up and decided to walk out after looking at Schlatts lifeless body.

The room stayed silent as Wilbur joined me in sitting on the ground, laying his head on my shoulder. Maybe he wouldn't blow it up. For my sake. I hoped.

After the silence a loud happy sounding voice rang through the room "We won!" Tommy shouted Tubbo, Wilbur, Fundy, Niki, Eret, and Techno softly cheered for a short second.

Everyone on Pogtopias side grouped together and decided to go outside and talk about what's next.

The cold wind hit my cheeks, it is winter after all. It was the good kind of cold though. Like one that makes you want to cuddle into your bed. One that made me smile, or maybe it was because we had L'manburg back!

We walked to the podium, following Will, i stood beside Will. Everyone gathered infront of the podium, even the ones not on Pogtopias side. "Tommy, i know you never thought i'd say this but, you're the president. Go up there and give a speech." Will said with a warm smile as he looked back to Tommy.

Everyone on Pogtopias side cheered as Tommy walked up onto the podium with the biggest smile, "Hello everyone, it looks like we won!" Tommy cheered out making cheers and woos erupt from the crowd.

"And i never thought i'd say this but, even after the hardships, the tyranny we've been through. "Wilbur, Tubbo, Y/n. It was meant to be!" Tommy shouted raising his arms up.

About everyone in the crowd clapped and laughed as Eret yelled "That's my line!". This was happy this is great! This is how everything is supposed to be.

"Wilbur, thank you. Thank you for making me the president, i know you said i never would be.." Tommy said thanking Wilbur then trailing off, "You can be." Wilbur said trying to reassure Tommy.

"Wilbur. I can't be the president." Tommy sighed, "What?" i said so did many other and questions erupted in the crowd. Wilbur looked distressed?

"As this would've been everything, i still have unfinished business. Because Dreams still got those disks." Tommy said glaring at Dream as Dream chuckled.

"Wilbur i really am sorry, but i can't be the president. Because until i have the disks back i'm not done. And it doesn't feel right for me to take my place in L'manburg." "L'manburg!" Tommy said putting emphasis on the L. Everyone cheered, it was sweet.

"Wilbur i know you go on about your checkoffs fucking gun, but i know that was all talk. And you did this without any explosions!" Tommy cheered, and Wilbur laughed. Wilbur walked to the podium as Tommy walked away from it, Wilbur was president again!

"I will keep this short and brief. I also cannot be your president." Wilbur said, Techno cheered i mean, Techno does hate government. Makes sense.

"I'm gonna keep the theme and hand off the presidency, and this'll only happen once more. It's important to know how to say goodbye to a nation." Wilbur said looking to the flag, the riddled flag of Manburg. One that'd probably be took down by the new president.

"There's only one other person that could possibly be the president." "Tubbo, get up here!" Wilbur said smiling. Cheers again abrupt from the crowd and Tommy cheered the loudest, they were the best of friends.

Wilbur took his seat next to me, i laid my head on his shoulder, Tubbo gave a big speech filled with metaphors and laughs. He said that no one was banned from L'manburg, he's really the sweetest.

As Tubbo was wrapping up his speech Will stood up and said he was going to be right back. I threw him a thumbs up.

As Tubbo finished his speech i noticed just how long Wilbur had been gone. I panicked and walked to the back of the podium where he went. I saw someone standing at an opening on the bottom of the podium, a guy with white wings.


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