"Remember that bet we made?"

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Y/n's POV:
"Why don't you remember me?" i said looking through the pages again i case i missed something, "I'm not sure." Ghostbur said looking around.

Quackity waved me a goodbye and walked away seeing as this may get a bit.. personal.

"You said you loved me?" "You don't just forget someone you love." i said hurt, "I'm sorry i really am, i just don't remember." Ghostbur said walking over and hugging me.

I hugged back. Tubbo walked up to us after a second, "Oh is that Ghostburs book of his memories?" he said as me and Ghostbur stopped hugging. "Yeah." i said handing it to him, he flipped through the pages. "You know he only remembered his happy memories." Tubbo said, Ouch stab in the chest.. again. i chuckled softly "Yeah.." i said my gaze traveling to his grave.

"Don't be bummed Y/n!" "I only got a sentence too, i mean i guess we just weren't that important to him." he said with a sad smile and looked down, i think reality sat in after that. A tear rolled down his cheek as he sad cradled into a ball, i hugged him "Why? After everything we went through for him to blow it up and beg for death. We stood and spied on SCHLATT!" his voice trailed away as he hugged me back, sitting up a bit. "I almost died for him.." he cried into my shoulder as Ghostbur wondered off to a sheep.

"It's okay." i said comforting him, me and Wilbur never told anyone we dated. Only Phil knows from Wilbur final moments. "You know Tubbs? Me and Will dated." i scoff giggling a tiny bit, he giggled as well sniffling "Remember that bet we made?" he said looking at me with a big grin.

"You like Wilbur don't cha?" Tubbo teased giggling, "No i don't!" i laughed. "Okay confident?" Tubbo asked raising his hand to me, "Confident." i said definitely lying. "You give me your guitar if i win." Tubbo said trying to shake his hand for a hand shake, "Uh uh, hold on impatient. What if i win?" i asked holding his hand harder so he cant shake it.

"Hmm," "I'm not sure. My favorite pin? The bee one." he offered, "Deal!" i said shaking his hand and laughing hysterically as he laughed with me.

I grabbed my guitar and kissed it a dramatic goodbye and handed it to Tubbo. "Wow!" he gazed at it running his hand along the strings, "Here the pic, i said handing him my pic. He put the guitar down and hugged me.

"Please teach me some songs." he begged as i giggled.

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