The Prison

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Tommy's POV:
Me and Ghostbur walked into the Prison i drank my invisibility potion before we walked in to portal, i took off my armor in a hurry. And then finally we entered the first portal.

After going through both of the portals Sam was there waiting for him to walk up, not seeing me. Very anxious i stepped slowly behind Ghostbur but not too close. I didn't want Sam to hear my footsteps.

"Hi Sam! I've left my sheep in the nether!" Ghostbur greeted of course talking about his sheep, friend. He's very fond of that blue sheep. "You left your sheep in the nether?" Sam said probably not aware of friend. I stood as still as i could breathing quietly. "Well, i was bringing friend if thats okay. He's my little like comfort sheep! And- and he got stuck and can't come through again." he explained and Sam nodded. "Well that's fine you can just leave him there." Sam said in his "professional voice" aka monotone, "Is he safe there?" Ghostbur asked looking down worried. "Yes of course he is safe there." Sam said, Ghostbur let out a relieved sigh.

Sam continued the process of it all normally unaware of my presence. There were a few times where i was almost caught but Ghostbur covered it all up for me.

We were finally at the lava, the burning hot lava. But i wasn't just sweating from that, it felt like Sam had seen me.

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