'Good evening everyone, I'm Nadia Chamack, and this is the scoop on Ladybug and Cat Noir!' I turn the volume up all the way, propped up on pillows in my room. 'This evening I have two very special guests with me! Please give a very warm welcome to Ladybug and Cat Noir!'
The two wave at the camera, and Cat Noir gives a very suggestive wink at the audience. I roll my eyes, half laughing.
'So, Cat Noir,' Nadia sends him a side look. 'I heard you have a girlfriend now.' She says.
'That's-true,' Cat Noir looks directly at the camera like he can see me.
'Y/n Dupain-Cheng, daughter of the two bakery owners right in this very town!' Nadia flicks a button and a picture of my parents bakery shows on the screen behind. 'That must mean you two are around the same age!'
'Uh-' Ladybug scratches her head. 'Lets not get into those details.'
Nadia waves her hand. 'Of course not. Here's some very dashing photos of you and her that fans have sent in.'
My mouth drops open as the picture of us kissing is shown on national television. Cat Noir turns a slight shade of pink as she continues flicking through all the different angles.
'Isn't this wonderful!' She beams. 'Is there any chance we can get Y/n on as well?'
I thought this show was about Cat Noir and Ladybug. Not about Cat Noir's love life....
'I don't know about that,' Ladybug tries to smile. 'Why don't we just talk about...uh-'
'Someone get her,' Nadia mouths at a camera man, who pulls out a phone and dials.
There's no way-
My phone starts ringing and I hesitantly pick it up.
'So y/n!' Nadia smiles at me. I glance around uncomfortably at all the cameras. 'What's it like dating a superhero?'
'You know, we try to keep most of it personal,' I say quietly, looking at Cat Noir. 'But it's-yeah-it's great.'
'Just great,' he teases, unaware that probably half the population is watching us. 'Not exceptional?'
'Oh shut up Kitty,' I roll my eyes.
Nadia looks on with great interest.
'Well, I think that's all I have time for,' Ladybug stands up, shooting me an annoyed glance. 'I should probably go now...'
'No wait,' Nadia says. 'What about you, Ladybug, do you have a boyfriend.'
'I really don't see how this could possibly relate to being a superhero,' Ladybug shakes her head, shooting her yo-yo at the beam on the roof and soaring out of the building.
'I should go too,' Cat Noir says as a beeping sound comes from his ring. 'Wouldn't want to reveal my identity.'
'Yeah-uh...' I trail off.
'Coming, darling?' He whispers in my ear.
I nod, as he grabs me around the waist and propels us out of there with his stick.
I hear Nadia sigh sadly from her chair, and have the urge to go back and talk about something, anything...unfortunately, my life isn't as nearly as interesting as Ladybug's or Cat Noir's.
'Well that was certainly interesting,' Cat Noir says from the roof.
'Yeah.' I say, 'I hope Nadia's okay though. We kinda left in the middle of her show.'
He nods in silent agreement. 'Ladybug didn't seem too happy about that.'
'She tries her best to keep your lives a secret.' I point out. 'That interview was pretty personal.'
'Do you wanna head back to my place?' He smirks.
'Won't your father-'
'What he doesn't know won't kill him,' his voice hardens. 'I'm not going to take another minute of being locked up all alone.'
I smile, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
'I'd love to come.'

I darling I cat noir x reader
Fanfiction'Falling for me already?' Y/n Dupain-Cheng, Marinette's twin sister. What happens when she discovers her sister's biggest secret- and catches the attention of a certain black cat?