'The important thing is, you're alive,' I grin, leaning against the wall. 'And Mom and Dad don't know you accidentally slept over at your boyfriends' house.'
Mari sighs with relief. 'Good, you didn't tell them?'
'Of course not.'
'Wait, how did you get in?' Luka glances at the doorway. 'My Mom isn't exactly the best welcoming committee.'
'I just told her we had to work on this music thing,' I wave my hand.
'How did you know I was here?' Marinette changes the subject. 'Out of all the places-'
'I just figured,' I blush. 'Not because I do the same thing all the time....'
She gasps. 'You've accidentally slept over at Cat Noirs?'
'Accidentally-on purpose-' I mutter.
Marinette looks appalled. 'But-'
'Anyways, we should probably get back,' I tip an imaginary cap to Luka, and walk to the doorway, waiting for Marinette.
She smiles apologetically at Luka, kissing him quickly on the cheek before following me out the door.
'Bye,' he waves, smiling slightly. 'I'll see you soon, Mari.'
'So tell me more about Cat Noir,' Marinette, says once Mom and Dad have performed the regular song and dance. She's spread out on my bed, flipping through fashion magazines. 'Has he ever slept over here?'
I roll my eyes, closing her magazine and sighing. 'Only a few million times. I can't believe you never noticed.'
Marinette giggles, tossing the magazine on the ground. 'It must be hard.' Her expression turns solemn.
'What must be hard?'
'Well.' Marinette takes a deep breath. 'I hadn't thought of this before, but Cat Noir is obviously in our grade, right? So you have to keep your relationship with his 'other identity' a secret, otherwise people would think you were cheating or figure out his identity.'
I twitch my lip, nodding. 'It is hard.'
'What I don't get is, why didn't you make your relationship with his real identity public? Why tell people your'e dating a superhero, if you get what I'm saying?'
I do understand what she's saying. As a matter o-fact, it was taken into deep consideration. Unfortunately, the exact truth is that I couldn't admit to dating Adrien, because it would've broken her heart, seeing as she was still deeply in love with him at the time. So....now it's too late to change what the public already knows.
'Pfffft, it was just easier,' I wave it off.
Mari narrows her eyes. 'Don't forget that I know you better than anyone on this planet.'
'If I told you the truth,' I start. 'You would know Cat Noir's identity.'
'What if I want to know?' Marinette says softly.
'I couldn't tell you.' I sigh. 'Luka and I both know your identity...I know Cat Noirs, it would just be too dangerous.'
'But Y/n- I can keep it a secret.' Marinette urges. 'I know it's dangerous and I never thought I would actually ask to know, but wouldn't we work better as a team if we knew?'
'You'll have to talk to Cat Noir,' I shrug, avoiding her gaze. 'If he tells you, great. If he doesn't, then there's nothing I can do about it.'
Marinette nods, seemingly dropping the subject.

I darling I cat noir x reader
Fanfiction'Falling for me already?' Y/n Dupain-Cheng, Marinette's twin sister. What happens when she discovers her sister's biggest secret- and catches the attention of a certain black cat?