🤍 Two Heroes - 1 🤍

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Days passed by and before long, Kimitsuki had to come in terms with the fact that her brother was really alive. She still felt like it had been a dream but she knew that it really was her brother. She hadn't gotten to touch him as Ryunosuke had said that due to Fujimori-San's influence, Kimihiro might end up taking in her feelings and memories upon touch – but Kimitsuki was assured that she would get to see him again more often by the end of the summer months, and she knew that she couldn't wait to see him again, know that she had more family around.

On the other hand, the days were going on listlessly for Kimitsuki as she could not share this news to her friends – it was a sensitive case right now and she must wait. She tried to busy herself with making all sorts of jumpers for her friends and focus on her training and packing up for the training camp that was coming up within a few more weeks.

There was nowhere for Kimitsuki to go although Rurichiyo personally visited her one day – it was a hectic day but turned out to be quite alright when Granny Haruna didn't feel awkward or in any way intimidated by seeing such a personality amongst them until –

"Will Kimitsuki-Chan stay with you from now on?" Granny Haruna had asked, clearly voicing the one question that had been on her mind the whole conversation.

"It is all up for Kimitsuki to decide," Rurichiyo replied. "Whether she lives here or with us, she will have a home on either end. I trust her with her decision,"

In addition to coming to meet Granny Haruna, Rurichiyo had brought an offer with herself for Kimitsuki – an annual I-Expo was going to be held on the floating island called I-Island. It was a place that she had always dreamed of going as she loved technology and science so very much, but also the place she felt like she might not go this year due to revelations made to her regarding her brother. It wasn't the first time she was offered this summer –

The U.A school had offered Kimitsuki to attend the event due to doing the best in studies out of all first years, and just a few moments after this email, she had received Momo's invite, reminding her that she had won the rock-paper-scissors to go with Momo and Kyoka. Kimitsuki had politely refused the two offers, and allowed the next winner to go with Momo.

All Might had called her, too, informing her that Kimitsuki could come visit I-Island with him and Izuku as the Pro-Hero knew that she liked such things. And while Kimitsuki had not yet responded to this offer, Rurichiyo had offered to go on the behalf of their family.

"Your Oji-Sama believes it will help your cheer up before your training camp," Rurichiyo said to her, holding out the pass. "You will get to see all sorts of exhibitions and studies regarding science, I heard you were very interested in technology,"

It almost seemed like fate wanted her there now, and Kimitsuki ended up agreeing, letting her grandmother know that she will take the offer – and to not worry about how she would get there because she knew she could accompany Izuku with All Might, especially since now she could discuss so much with Izuku over what was coming up this year.

But as Kimitsuki sat across from Izuku and All Might on the private plane, the excited conversation about sitting in such a plane and their destination calmed down as the Pro-Hero went to sleep, and Kimitsuki found herself lost in her own thoughts as she looked out the window.

There was still so long before she would get to see Kimihiro again, and she couldn't wait for it – she hoped that Fujihiro would finish with stabilising her brother soon.

However, that thought dropped to the back of her thoughts as she began to wonder more about her childhood. She hadn't paid attention to it very much as it was something that made her upset every time... yet she couldn't figure out which part of her past was true.

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