//Book 1// ~ The Faithful

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3rd Person POV

Willow bounces on her toes with a notebook in hand, her white converse tapping against the ground as she waits for Sam

"Hey, Greene." Lena says, walking out of the elevator with Kara right beside her

"Ms Luthor." Willow says with a nod as Lena walks past her and into Sam's office

"I just have to sign some papers and then we can get back to work." Lena's voice says as Willow looks around for Sam

"Yeah, no problem." Kara says. "But my boss really doesn't like when I'm late, so..."

Lena and Kara let out a small laugh

The elevator dings again and Sam runs out

"You're here!" Willow exclaims, walking next to Sam as they walk into Sam's office

"Sorry!" Sam apologizes, running over to her desk and Kara and Lena look over. "Ruby had a soccer game and then the kids wanted to get ice cream to celebrate."

"No worries." Lena says. "You remember Kara?"

"Yes. Of course I do!" Sam says. "Nice to see you."

"Good to see you." Kara responds

"Okay, so the JQB merger should be finalized any minute." Sam says, handing Lena a file folder with papers in it. Willow stands on the other side of the desk near Kara and holds her notebook against her chest as she listens. "Unless Paul tries to pull something, which I will not allow."

"Ugh. Paul's like the one thing I do not miss." Lena says. Kara turns her head. "Skeezebag lawyers." She explains to Kara

"Ah, gotcha." Kara says

Sam sits down at her desk and Lena starts signing things

"So how do you plan on celebrating your first big merger as my CFO?" Lena asks Sam

Sam shrugs

"We're having a girls night at my place tonight." Kara says. "Do you and Willow wanna come?" She says, looking at Willow next to her

"No, I couldn't intrude." Sam says

"You do realize Lena's not gonna take no for an answer, right?" Kara says

"Accurate." Lena says

"Okay. All right, I'll go." Sam says. "Um... - What should I bring?"

"Booze. Just no tequila, okay?" Lena says. "What about you, Greene?"

"Um..." Willow starts

"Come on." Lena says. "It'll be fun. We can get to know you better."

Willow nods, "Okay." She whispers

"Great." Lena says

"Where did you get this?" Kara asks, taking the pamphlet from Sam's desk

"Oh, some weirdo at Ruby's soccer game." Sam says. "She came up to me, tried to enlist me in some self-help meeting."

"I hate those things." Lena says. "Like a waste of trees and of our time."

"You mind if I keep this?" Kara asks, holding up the pamphlet

"Yeah. Go ahead." Sam says

"See you later." Lena says, starting to walk out. "Greene, with me."

Willow follows Lena and Kara out


Willow was developing photos in her office at night in jeans and a hoodie with her hair in a messy high ponytail, no longer in her formal work attire since her work day technically ended a few hours ago. In the back pocket of her jeans was a small notebook. She looks at her board in her office with the blown up pictures she was developing

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