//Book 3// ~ Willow Week - National Threat

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3rd Person POV

Marvin and Alex rush into the conference room, slamming the door shut. Marvin gets started on pulling the blinds down over the windows while Alex pulls the comms from her ear and disables it. Once that was done, the two look at each other, breathing heavily 

"What...the hell is going on?" Alex questions, breathing heavily 

"Has this whole damn place lost their minds?" Marvin questions through his teeth 

"A National Threat?" Alex questions. "DEO agents going after Willow isn't amazing but thank god she's supernatural or the entire US army would be going after her." She says. "We need to reason with J'onn. Get this order called off."

"We need to find Willow is what we need to do." Marvin says

Suddenly, the door opens. Alex and Marvin snap their attention to the door, shutting their mouths. "What is going on?" Brainy questions, pushing his way into the room 

"Close the door." Alex orders him through her teeth. "Now." And with that command, he does -- he did not need to be told twice 

"Will someone please answer my question?" Brainy asks, pressing his back up against the door. "I just walked in here and saw Willow's face plastered on every screen with a shoot-on-sight order."

"A shoot-on-sight?" Marvin questions, shocked. "Oh no...oh no, this is not good." He mutters, sitting down in a chair at the conference table and putting his head in his hands. Marvin sits with his face buried as he thinks. He wracks his brain and tries to think of anything. Anything that could help Willow

"Alex?" Brainy asks, looking over at her 

"J'onn declared Willow a National Threat." Alex sums up, letting him in on the information that they know. "Before that, Marvin and I were trying to figure out some kind of cure or antidote to help Kara." 

"Kara's not dead." Brainy points out

"J'onn doesn't care." Alex says. "We need to figure out a way to stop the DEO agents and call off the order."

"I know what to do." Marvin says, standing from his spot and looking at Brainy. "You've found Willow before, we need you to find her again." Marvin tells Brainy 

"What?" Brainy asks 

"You heard me." Marvin says. "You've tracked her signatures, you've traced her down...you are our best shot at finding her before J'onn and the DEO agents do."

"You really trust me that much?" Brainy asks

"You're Willow's best chance right now." Marvin says and then he steels his face again. "But you need to get moving. Now. The DEO has declared this a race." And with that, Brainy rushes out of the conference 

"What do we do now?" Alex asks 

"We wait for Willow to come back." Marvin says, his eyes still on the door that Brainy just left through  

"And if the DEO finds her before Brainy does?" Alex asks 

Marvin peels his eyes from the door and looks at Alex. He grinds his jaw for a moment before speaking the truth, "Then we hope she's alive when they bring her in as a hostage." He says before leaving the room


...far away, there's a knock at the door...

"What the..." Willow gasps after opening the door and seeing Brainy standing there. Willow takes a quick look down both ways of the street before grabbing Brainy and pulling him into the room. She closes the door behind her and locks it, pressing her back to the door and staring at Brainy. "What the hell are you doing here?" She questions in a fierce whisper 

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