//Book 1// ~ Of Two Minds

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Next chapter up 2 WEEKS FROM NOW - AUGUST 24


3rd Person POV

"Kara, there were dead birds falling from the sky." Willow tells Kara, handing her a bowl of cereal across the counter before setting her own on her side

"Alex thinks that these birds died because they came into contact with Pestilence." Kara tells Willow, taking a bite of her food

"Well that narrows it down." Willow says sarcastically. "That means Pestilence is in National City. Whoopee."

"Imra thinks that if Pestilence gets stronger...the entire city will get sick in a matter of days." Kara says, ducking her head down slightly

Willow turns her head. "What...what's wrong?"

"Hmm?" Kara asks, looking up at Willow

"You're hiding something." Willow says. "What aren't you saying?"

"How do you know I'm hiding something?" Kara asks

"Cause when you lie as often as I do, you get really good at spotting lies." Willow tells Kara, putting her spoon of cereal down and focusing solely on Kara. "What's the matter?"

"Imra wants to kill Pestilence..." Kara starts

"And you don't." Willow finishes

"Do you?" Kara asks

"Not my decision." Willow says. "I'm not like you. I guess that's the only good thing about being strictly a soldier. I don't have to worry about making the hero calls."

"You are a hero." Kara tells Willow. Willow sighs, looking down. "Why won't you believe me - or anyone - when we tell you that?"

Willow looks at Kara, tears pricking her eyes. "Because I've been told the opposite all my life. I'm a soldier. And that's it."

"But you're more than that." Kara says. "You...you've become one of my best friends."

Willow sighs, pushing her cereal around in her bowl 


Willow jumps through the line of a starting forcefield just before it closes. People run and scream as they try to get out. Supergirl is at a quarantine medical building and there are a bunch of sick people inside

"Supergirl!" Willow calls, rushing over to her and J'onn. "What the hell is going on?" She asks, gesturing to the forcefield around the building

"So much for avoiding a panic." J'onn mutters, walking away

Supergirl scans the area before her eyes land on Imra. She starts towards Imra and Willow follows. "Take down the force field."

"Did you find her?" Imra asks

"Take it down, now!" Supergirl orders. "We have to get these people to a hospital."

"Is Pestilence here?" Imra asks

"She's here?" Willow asks, looking between Imra and Supergirl

"There's no sign of her now." Supergirl says. She looks at Willow. "Can you take it down?" She asks, gesturing to the forcefield

"No." Willow says. "At least I don't think so. It's not my energy."

Supergirl sighs before looking at Imra again. "Look, there are scared people who need real medical attention. Take it down!" She tells Imra

Willow Greene // Supergirl //Where stories live. Discover now