//Book 3// ~ Willow Week - Temporary Solution

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3rd Person POV

"She's not breathing anymore!" Alex announces to more agents as the stretcher with Kara's body is being pushed through the DEO. The field medics that were at Willow's apartment let the DEO medical team take over, relaying Kara's vitals. "Please, you gotta help her!" Alex pleads with the doctors

"We will do everything we can." A doctor says, holding Alex out of the room. "Right now you need to--"

"No!" Alex exclaims, pushing him away from her. "I need to be in there! I can help!" She exclaims with tears in her eyes

"Danvers, please--" The doctor tries again but then another voice cuts him off

"Alex." The voice speaks. The doctor and Alex turn to see Marvin standing there. "You need to let them do their job." Marvin tells Alex

"But..." Alex whispers, dropping her arms to her sides in defeat  

"Supergirl is in good hands." Marvin tells her. "You need to let them do their job." He tells her, walking over and touching her arm to walk her away from the medical room so that the doctors can work 

"I need her to be okay..." Alex whispers, her voice breaking

"I know..." Marvin whispers. "I know...These DEO agents are some of the best medically trained professionals. They will take care of her. I know they will." 

"In the meantime, we need to find Willow." Alex whispers, trailing off and looking at Marvin. "J'onn's not going to be happy. You know that right?"

"I know." Marvin says 

A doctor rushes out of the medbay, looking wildly around before his eyes land on Alex

"What is it?" Alex asks. "What's wrong? Is she okay?" 

"She's breathing." The doctor says. "She's not awake. But she's breathing. On a ventilator."

"She's in a coma?" Alex whispers, her voice breaking 

"For now, yes." The doctor says. "The kryptonite poisoning is still very strong. We're doing everything we can to find a solution. But for right now...putting her on the ventilator was our best option. It was the best temporary solution." 

Alex is silent so Marvin takes over. "Thank you." Marvin thanks and the doctor nods before rushing back into the medbay. "Alex, this is good news. She's breathing." 

"With a ventilator." Alex emphasizes. "That's nothing..." 

"It's not nothing." Marvin says. "You heard the doctor. It's a temporary solution." And then suddenly, J'onn is seen storming around the corner. "Agent--" Marvin is about to greet J'onn when he is cut off by a punch to his face 

"J'onn!" Alex exclaims, trying to stop him but J'onn grabs Marvin by the shirt and pushes him against the wall 

"Where is she?" J'onn growls. "Where is Willow Greene?" He demands an answer

"I don't know." Marvin says 

"That's bullshit." J'onn says through his teeth

"I'm telling the truth." Marvin says. "I don't know where she is and I don't know what happened."

"You better figure it out." J'onn says, shoving Marvin backwards again before letting go of the fabric of his shirt and backing up 

"I have an educated guess." Marvin says, adjusting his shirt 

"About?" J'onn asks 

"About what happened." Marvin answers. "I told you the origin of the kryptonite reaction is on Kara's lips. A kiss." He says

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