3rd Person POV
"Alex and Nia were right." Brainy says, putting a newspaper on the table with Nia walking in behind him. Alex and J'onn look at the newspaper. "Behold, the May 25th, 2009 Midvale Weekly. The week of Midvale High's prom."
"The same night as the Aquarid meteor shower." Nia says
"This is where we need to go to save Supergirl?" J'onn asks
"Yeah, I was back from Stanford on vacation." Alex says. "I just dropped Kara off at the school assembly hall for prom, and, uh, with a jacket. It was oddly cold that night, and that's when the shower hit, and then this giant meteor just came bearing down and Kara flew up and punched it out of the sky."
"But the meteor had Kryptonite." Nia says
"The impact was enough to destroy the meteor, but Kara got pretty hurt. She fell through the roof of the gym." Alex says
"No one saw her?" J'onn asks
"It was under construction, and when I found her, her hand was all cut up." Alex says. "It was the first time I ever saw her bleed."
"How specifically do we get to this place in time?" J'onn asks
"Well, based on my survey of satellite imagery from , and the trajectory of the meteor, I was able to predict Kara's point of contact." Brainy says. "After running those figures through D modeling, I produced a rendering of the debris field, and by overlaying that with geologic radiation emissions of that same night, plus, Kara's own biologic markers, I was able to pinpoint the exact location of Kara's DNA. The high school's baseball diamond center field. Nia and I depart after I gather my things."
"Alex, what's this business about 'The luckiest town in America'?" Nia asks
"When I left for college, Kara and her boyfriend, Kenny, appointed themselves the town's Scooby-Duo." Alex says. "They were saving cats from trees and kids from wells, that sort of thing, and the, uh, town got quite the reputation."
"I thought Kenny Li was killed when you were in high school." J'onn says. "The sheriff was running a drug ring, and he got caught up."
"No, that's one of those old-world, new-world differences." Alex says. "In this world, Kenny never got killed."
"That suggests there could be other differences." J'onn says. "Maybe I should come with you."
"Absolutely not!" Brainy yells. "As anyone who's seen Back to the Future knows, in 2009, you or you, could both run into your past selves, and thereby disrupt the continuum of space-time. The only people who can go on this mission are Nia and myself."
"Okay, fine." Alex tells Brainy. "But you're going to my past. Don't mess it up." She growls at him. And with that, Nia and Brainy get on the space/time ship and disappear into the past
"Now that they are gone..." Marvin says, walking into the room and making his presence known. Alex and J'onn look over at him. "Can we please begin locating Willow Greene?"
Marvin and Alex are typing on the computers, chatting together on other ways to find Willow. "I will find her. I can find her." Marvin promises
"Can you?" J'onn questions from across the room, looking at Marvin
"Excuse me?" Marvin asks, looking over at J'onn
"So far, you haven't been able to." J'onn says
"J'onn, she's only been missing less than 24 hours." Alex points out
"I'm not talking about the past 24 hours." J'onn says, standing from his chair and taking a few steps towards Marvin. "I'm talking about the past 3 years. You need to have a chat with her." J'onn says. "She can't run away every time things get hard."
"She doesn't." Marvin says
"Yes, she does." J'onn tells Marvin. "Every single time something has happened, she has run away."
"That's not her fault at all." Marvin says
"And who's fault is it?" J'onn questions
"It's mine." Marvin says and J'onn goes quiet. From the computers, Alex slowly stops typing and listens in. Marvin takes this as a cue to continue. "It's my fault. She has been a soldier since the moment she stepped foot on earth. She was never allowed to show her emotions which means she was never allowed to understand her emotions. When hard things happen, she runs away because she is scared and because this is the only way in which she can cope with her emotions."
"I appreciate you opening up." J'onn says. "But she cannot run away every single time." He repeats his previous statement
"I understand." Marvin says
"So, when we find her, what are you going to do?" J'onn questions
"In what sense?" Marvin questions, unsure of what J'onn was asking exactly
"How are you going to help Willow?" J'onn questions. "How are you going to help her figure out ways in which to deal with these emotions? How are you going to tell her that she can no longer run away? How are you going to help her?"
It is silent. It is...silent. Marvin stares at J'onn, the questions that he had asked were spinning in Marvin's head. J'onn was right, Marvin had to talk to Willow and he has to figure out a way to help her. He has to figure out a way that she can openly talk about her emotions in a way that she feels safe. But how can he rewrite her brain? Marvin wasn't lying when he said that Willow was never allowed to show emotion while being a soldier. How can he begin to break down those walls in order to help her
And then, in a broken whisper that no one has ever thought possible to come from Marvin, "I don't know."

Willow Greene // Supergirl //
FanfictionWillow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. The neighboring planet, Krypton, was destroyed 25 years earlier on the exact day at the exact time Willow was born and that destruction caused...side effects. Now, 25...