//Book 4// ~ Willow Week - Saving Willow Greene

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3rd Person POV

Kelly is on the phone with Lena by the front door while the others (minus J'onn and Willow, of course) pile into the kitchen. It was a little tough to get Kara away from Willow's side but J'onn assured Kara that she needed to be in on the plan and that he would watch Willow. Once again, this had surprised Marvin because J'onn never wanted to be around Willow and he most certainly never wanted Willow around him. So for him to be sitting in the bedroom next to her was a big deal 

"Marvin, tell us what we can do with the kryptonite." M'Gann says as Marvin closes the door to the bedroom 

"It's simple." Marvin says. "Willow's heart beats kryptonite. We need to get it and pump it into her blood in order to get her heart enough blood to work."

"And how do we pump kryptonite into her blood?" Alex asks. "Kryptonite is either a solid rock or a vapor, it cannot be a liquid." 

"The kryptonite doesn't have to be the liquid." Marvin says, looking at Alex. "We just need alien blood." He says, glancing over in Kara's direction. "Theoretically, we can basically lace Kara's blood with kryptonite."

"Kara cannot be laced with kryptonite." Alex protests immediately 

"She wouldn't be laced." Marvin clarifies. "Her blood would be. If we can manage to lace the blood out of Kara's body but before it enters Willow...we could inject her with kryptonetic blood." He tells Alex   

"And if it doesn't work?" Kara speaks up, asking the heartbreaking question that was on her mind 

"It has to." Marvin tells Kara, his face looking hard but his chest feeling heavy with emotion. "It has to..." He whispers, looking away from the group 

...in the bedroom...

J'onn is sitting next to Willow's bed, looking at her still and pale lifeless body. Millions of thoughts run through his head. Millions of thoughts about Willow Greene, about her life, about her death, about kryptonite, about everything. But one thought that rings out louder than every other is a thought about Kara and Willow

"Willow Greene..." J'onn whispers, sitting down next to her body on the bed. "I know that you and I have had our differences over the years and we have never seen eye to eye...but right now, I'm asking you -- begging you -- to please come back for Kara." He whispers to her

After a few moments of complete silence, the door opens and in walks the rest of the group

"We have a plan." Marvin tells J'onn

"Do it." J'onn tells him, standing up from the chair. "Whatever it is, whatever it takes, just do it." And with that, the team gets to work  


Lena had arrived with a chunk of kryptonite within mere moments, Kara rushing to go and get her and bringing her back with her superspeed

"Where is she?" Lena questions, looking around at the group with a metal briefcase labeled 'hazardous material' in her hand

"In the bedroom." Marvin says, making his way over to open the bedroom door. "Have you been briefed?"

"All I know is that Willow is dead and kryptonite can save her." Lena says, following Marvin and the others into the bedroom. "And frankly, that's all I need to know." She says and then she stops in her tracks, looking at Willow's body. Her breath catches in her throat as she looks at Willow's beaten lifeless body 

"Lena?" Alex questions

"She looks...awful..." Lena whispers through tears. She did not look like the same girl that Lena took under her wing a few years ago as a training photographer and she most certainly did not look like the same girl that was a telekinetic hero in the city 

"Yes, she does." Alex says, putting a hand on Lena's back. "But we don't have much time. Please, help us."

"Right, of course." Lena says, wiping a tear away before putting the metal briefcase down on the bedside table. She looks over at Kara and tosses her a small device to which Kara puts on the emblem on her chest and activates. The device is Kara's suit that protects her from kryptonite. And with this much direct exposure, she was surely going to need it

Lena motions for Kara to sit down in the chair next to Willow's bed while she sets up the medical supplies. She gets needles out and then opens up the metal briefcase. The box hisses as the green glowing rock is exposed. Lena then begins to prep Willow, pulling the girl's shirt up and placing the needle into her chest in order to receive the quickest dose of kryptonite possible. After prepping Willow, she moves on to Kara   

"Sorry about this." Lena tells Kara in a whisper, taking the right arm piece of Kara's suit off 

"Do it." Kara tells her

Lena nods and then wipes down the spot she was going to inject on Kara's arm. Now, the Girl of Steel was quite literally a girl of steel so everyone knew this needle wasn't going to penetrate Kara's arm. But, with the help of a little kryptonite vapor in the wipe that Lena had used, Kara's skin had weakened just enough for Lena to get the needle in and start a blood draw 

With Kara's alien blood being drawn and dripping onto the kryptonite rock in the needle attached to Willow, everyone watches in silence. The blood that drips onto the kryptonite rock turns green before entering Willow's bloodstream 

"Once she has enough blood in her, I'm shocking her." Alex states, watching what was going on with her arms crossed   

"Fine by me." Marvin says, also intently watching what was going on 

As the green substance enters Willow's chest through the needle, her chest begins to glow a dull green. And within moments, that dull green is a vibrant green. The vibrant green envelopes her heart and then spreads through all her veins. Everyone in the room could see the vibrant green blood through Willow's pale skin, traveling through her veins to every part of her body  

And with that, Willow gasps awake and her eyes spring open 


Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Next chapter up TOMORROW


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