//Book 2// ~ American Alien

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3rd Person POV

= National City =

"Did you finish the fried rice?" Kara asks as Alex shoves some more food in her mouth

"I'm sorry." Alex says through bites of rice. "I'm stress-eating."

"Did you have a bad date?" Kara asks, sitting down

"No, the dating, it's actually...it's been great." Alex says

"Really?" Kara exclaims with excitement

"No, don't get that look on your face like you're gonna officiate my wedding." Alex tells her. "No, I have not met a woman that I'm that serious about yet, so, you know... But it's... It's good to get out there."

"Well, that's great." Kara says

"Mmm-hmm." Alex agrees

"So, why are you scarfing the lo mein?" Kara asks

"Brainy." Alex answers simply. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry, but everything... Everything he does just infuriates me. I know it's mean, but it's just... Ugh, I can't help it."

"He's new to this time period." Kara says with a laugh. "It's a big adjustment. I'm sure it's been hard. Try to go easy on him."

"I'll try." Alex whispers. "What about you?"

"Me?" Kara asks

"We ordered your favorite Chinese takeout and you haven't even taken a bite." Alex says. "What's going on? I thought you were on top of the world."

"I got in a fight with J'onn." Kara says. "After the attack, at the bar."

"Really?" Alex asks

"He tried to convince me that there's this hate movement against aliens." Kara says. "I mean, am I crazy? I feel like the world is better than it's ever been. More diversity, more acceptance."

"Sure." Alex says. "I mean, in some ways."

"Ever since J'onn left the DEO, I just feel so far from him." Kara says. "I don't really know what his life is like."

"Yeah." Alex says

"All I know is I hate his new point of view. It feels so ominous." Kara says

"J'onn is not an alarmist, Kara." Alex says. "I mean, if he's trying to tell you something, I would listen. What are you so afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything. It... I just finally feel like the world is good." Kara says. "And I so badly want it to stay that way, even if it's just for a little while."

"Kara Danvers, you are the most courageous person I know." Alex says. "And even if it's hard, if you face it, you can conquer anything."

"I'll try." Kara says. "Only if you conquer the urge to not punch Brainy in the face."

"Mmm. That is an unfair bargain." Alex says as both girls laugh. Alex quiets down, getting serious. "I do, um, have some other news." She says, clearing her throat

"Oh yeah?" Kara asks

"From Delaware." Alex says

"Oh..." Kara whispers, looking down. She is silent for a moment before looking at Alex again. "What is it?"

"There's been no mention of an obituary for Willow." Alex says

"I told you...she's not dead." Kara says

"Kara..." Alex tries

"No, Alex, I refuse to believe it." Kara says. "She closed her eyes and I heard her heart stop for a moment but I swear I heard it start again."

Willow Greene // Supergirl //Where stories live. Discover now