//Book 1// ~ Attempting An Escape

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3rd Person POV


"Hey, where's Willow?" Supergirl asks, looking around the medical bay at the DEO

"Um...what do you mean?" Winn asks

"She's not here?" Supergirl asks

"Why would she be here?" J'onn asks. "She wasn't at the scene."

"What?" Supergirl asks. "She...she was. She helped us fight Purity."

"Yeah." Alex says. "But then she disappeared."

"What?" Supergirl whispers to herself. "Where is she then?" She whispers

...flashback to earlier...

Purity gets some good hits on Supergirl, throwing her to the ground and doing a move that could break her back. Willow throws Purity to the side with her telekinesis but she recovers fast, punching Willow in the face and throwing her head against the wall. Willow's head smacks the wall hard. Purity throws Mon-El against the wall

Purity grabs Supergirl in a choke hold to talk to her

Unknown to the group, someone in all black runs over to Willow and grabs her arms in their hands. They pull the unconscious masked girl away from the fighting and disappear from the scene


"Ow." Willow groans, sitting up in her bed and grabbing the side of her head with her eyes closed in a wince. Willow slowly opens her eyes, looking around confused 

Willow's eyes catch the window where the pitch black night is displayed in front of her. Looking at her clock, she sees that it's 2:30 am

"Wondering how you got back here, soldier?" A voice asks from the corner 

Willow whips her attention over to where the voice came from. In doing so, her head pulses and she winces again. She grabs her head with both of her hands 

"Careful, soldier." Marvin tells her, walking over to her and tapping her temples for her to open her eyes. Willow opens her eyes and Marvin looks at them, studying her pupils. "You have a nasty concussion."

"Again?" Willow groans. She lays back against the wall, looking over at Marvin to see that he's packing a bag. "Where have you been? I thought you abandoned me..."

"It's been a little hectic lately, soldier." Marvin tells her, grabbing some of Willow's clothes and throwing it in another bag 

"What're you doing?" Willow asks, sitting up slowly and curiously 

"We're leaving." Marvin tells her

"Leaving?" Willow asks. "Leaving where?" 

"I told you I'd find a solution to get you out of termination." Marvin tells her 

"No, you didn't." Willow tells him. "You never told me anything."  

"Well, I found a solution." Marvin says, zipping the bag up. "But we have to go now."

"We can't." Willow protests as Marvin grabs her arm and pulls her out of her bed. Marvin pulls Willow out of her apartment and down the hall and she stumbles after her. "Reign hasn't been dealt with." She says, pulling her arm out of his grasp by the stairway

"We don't have time for that." Marvin tells her through her teeth. "It's self preservation, soldier."

"I wasn't trained that way." Willow says. "You didn't train me that way. I was trained to put Supergirl before me...and Supergirl is still in danger from Reign." 

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