//Book 2// ~ Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?

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3rd Person POV

Kara and Lena are eating food in Lena's private jet

"Mmm!" Kara exclaims through bites

"I know, right?" Lena says with a laugh. "This plane makes its own coffee, cleans its own toilets and flies itself."

"There's no pilot?" Kara asks

"Well, humans make mistakes." Lena says. "My technology doesn't." She's silent for a moment. "Speaking of mistakes, I should have told you about Lex from the beginning. Trust is still a learned skill for me. It doesn't come naturally."

"Well, no matter what, we are always on the same side." Kara tells Lena

Lightning strikes outside and the plane shakes. Kara grabs onto her seat. "Don't worry. It's just a lightning storm." Lena says

"Is lightning usually purple?" Kara asks as more purple lightning crackles

The plane shakes more. Lightning strikes. The lights go out. Alarms blare. "Get your seat belt back on." Lena orders Kara. "I'm gonna land this plane." She says, leaving her seat and rushing to the front seat. "Kara... Kara, brace yourself. We're gonna make an emergency landing." She says through the speakers

"Yeah. That's gonna be a huge nope for me." Kara says, taking her glasses off and stands from her seat

The plane angles down. From the outside, Kara flies and analyzes the scene in front of her. Before she jumps in to lift the plane, she freezes upon seeing familiar green wisps coming from behind her. She turns to see Willow (visible) and using her telekinesis to grab the bottom of the plane

"Willow?" Kara questions with a smile, speaking loudly over the wind

"That's me!" Willow calls back to her, her own smile faltering. "And while I do have telekinesis, I do not have super strength so I'm gonna need you to help me out!" She tells Kara over the rushing wind

Kara jumps in to help, lifting the plane up from the bottom. She lifts the plane from crashing into a mountain and looks over at Willow. "Lena's in there!" She calls over the wind

"You go." Willow tells her. "I can help land this thing."

"Will I see you after we land?" Kara asks

"I'm already this far away from home." Willow calls over the wind with a shrug. "Might as well stay for a little." And with that, Kara cracks a smile before flying back into the plane. Willow helps guide the plane to the runway that Lena was aiming for

...inside the plane...

Lena springs up from the front seat, the plane now landed. "Oh, my God. Kara. Kara. Kara. Kara, you okay?" She asks, shaking Kara who opens her eyes

"I must have passed out." Kara says with a gasp. "God! I hate flying."

"That lightning wasn't natural." Lena says. "Someone brought us down on purpose."

"Well, let's hope we didn't ruin the element of surprise." Kara says


Kara, Lena, and an invisible Willow walk down the steps of a dark base. "This is so odd." Lena says. "I would've thought Lex would have an army behind him." Lena flicks a switch and the lights turn on. The room is empty. "Must have left days ago."

"What about the lightning?" Kara asks

"Automated system." Lena suggests. "Very Lex."

"Where did they go?" Kara questions no one in particular

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