//Book 4// ~ Welcome Back, Kara!

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3rd Person POV

Marvin and Willow are sitting across from each other. Willow is breathing steadily while she has a green forcefield around a flame of a candle. Marvin watches as Willow controls her breathing, the flame barely flickering

Suddenly, Marvin's phone rings. The flame shifts slightly as Willow is about to look away. "Concentrate." Marvin reminds her. "Focus on the flame. I will let you know if this is the text." He tells her. Willow goes back to concentrating on the flame while Marvin looks at his phone. He freezes. He looks at Willow. "She's home." He tells her. And the flame goes out...


Kara gasps awake, gasping for air and looking around skiddishly. "Hey. Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. It was just a nightmare, okay?" Alex tells Kara, rushing over to her in the medbay

"It was so dark and horrible." Kara whispers, still breathing heavily

"Was it about the Phantom Zone?" Alex asks

"I don't... I don't want to talk about it." Kara pants

"No, no, no, y-y-you don't have to, okay?" Alex tells her, hugging her sister. "It's, it's all over. We've got you. I've got you. It's all behind us now."

"Good. Oh, 'cause I don't think I ever wanna hear the word 'Phantom' ever again." Kara says. "Not in an opera, not in a Star Wars prequel. Especially, not in a Star Wars prequel. I don't even think I could handle an episode of Scooby-Do right now."

"It's so good to have you home." Alex says with a small laugh. "Now, uh, come on. You've got

some folks that are waiting to see you."

"Alex?" Kara asks

"Yeah?" Alex asks

"Can I have another hug, please?" Kara asks

"Always." Alex tells her and hugs her


A few floors under the happy reunions upstairs, Willow and Marvin are in a standoff...

Marvin is standing in the doorway, blocking Willow from leaving. "What the hell, Marvin?" Willow questions. "She's home, I need to go see her!"

"And you will see her." Marvin promises. "As soon as you get your powers under control."

"You're shitting me, right?" Willow deadpans. "You're going to keep me down here to lift an apple with my telekinesis and wrap a forcefield around a fricking flame while the love of my life is a few floors up?!" She exclaims

"Yes." Marvin tells her. "Yes, I am."

"Why?" Willow's voice breaks as she asks the question, tears pricking her eyes

"Because you need to control your powers." Marvin tells her. "And the fact that I'm still standing in the doorway means that you don't have control yet. You and I both know that at the height of your powers, I would be thrown to the side. Why haven't you done that yet?"

"Maybe I don't wanna hurt you." Willow shoots back

"Bullshit." Marvin tells Willow. "You and I both know you have no problem throwing me with your telekinesis. Neither of us are leaving this room until your powers are under control."


Kara's dad (Zor-El), Kara, and Nia are in the elevator at CatCo. Zor-El wanted to see what Kara had been doing on Earth the past years so the two girls had put a disguise on him to bring him to CatCo

"Okay, so, remember, you are my Uncle Archie, visiting from Midvale." Kara tells Zor-El

"Okay. Don't worry. I promise no one will even know I'm there." Zor-El tells Kara. "I'm starting to understand my strength. I'm, I'm sorry about your door."

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