//Book 2// ~ Willow Week - The Reveal / A Rough Deal

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WELCOME TO THE FIRST CHAPTER OF WILLOW WEEK!!! Buckle your seatbelts cause it's gonna be an interesting ride!


3rd Person POV

"Holy...shit." Brainy whispers as Willow steps to the side, letting him into the motel room

"You're going to help me, right?" Willow questions 

Brainy looks at her. "You mean help you defeat this infamous organization that created you as a kickass soldier, then wanted to imprison your body and mind to use you as a military weapon, and now has your commander trapped across the states in an attempt to flush you out of hiding and potentially kill you? That organization?"

"Um...yes?" Willow says, twisting her fingers together 

"I...I can't do anything against that." Brainy tells her. "We can't do anything against that."

"Yes we can." Willow says. "And we will. But we need to move fast." She pleads with him

"Forget fast." Brainy tells her. "We need reinforcements. We need to loop in the DEO, J'onn, Alex--"

"We can't." Willow cuts through his sentence

"Will..." Brainy tells her, taking a step over to her. "I have never heard of this secret organization...but if it's anything like the DEO? If it's anything like what you've described it as? There's no way in hell we are going to be able to save Marvin with just the two of us."

"We can't tell Kara." Willow whispers with tears in her eyes 

"Why are you so afraid?" Brainy asks 

Willow bites her lip, looking Brainy in the eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. "I don't wanna hurt her." She whispers in a barely audible voice, her eyes finding the floor. "I...I don't want her to be mad. I don't want her to hate me." She looks at Brainy. "I don't think my life would be worth living if Kara hated me."

"She doesn't even know you're alive." Brainy tells her. "Plus, she's currently dealing with other stuff right now."

"What other stuff?" Willow asks 

"There was a problem on Earth-1." Brainy says. "I didn't get all the details. Something about some kind of reality warping book?"

"Kara needs my help..." Willow whispers, closing her eyes and pressing her hands to the sides of her head. "Oh, god, but Marvin needs my help too."

"Kara will be fine." Brainy tells her. "We need to focus on your commander. He's in serious danger right now." Willow looks at Brainy, a tear tracing down her cheek. "Come to the DEO with me. We'll ask Alex and J'onn for help--"

"J'onn's going to hate me." Willow tells him 

"J'onn already hates you." Brainy counters. "He's never liked you because he could never figure you out. Even with you 'dead' he's still blaming things on you."

"So why would we ever go to him?" Willow asks 

"Because, as I said before, we need help." Brainy emphasizes the last three words of his sentence. "We cannot do this as two people. But as a team? We can save Marvin." Willow's mind spins as she thinks about the possibility of revealing her identity. "I know that look." Brainy notes and Willow looks at him. "Winn described it as your 'spinning' face. You're thinking, your brain is spinning. And I know you have a smart brain, but I have a smarter one. But I don't need to be a 31st century intellect to know that we are running out of time." He tells her urgently. "We need to do this now if we want a chance to save Marvin." And with that, Willow nods

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