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Yoongi-13 weeks
Jungkook-13 weeks
Namjoon-13 weeks

Jin woke up to the sound of throwing up, he groaned before he stood up and rushed to the bathroom to help.

All three of the pregnant boys were feeling sick, throwing up last night's food, Hoseok was already in there, grabbing drinks for all of them.

Jin quickly went to comfort them, pulling Jungkook's long blonde hair our of his face as he rubbed Yoongi's back and Hoseok got Namjoon.

Yoongi was the first one to stop throwing up, quickly grabbing the glass of water off the floor before drinking some and spitting it back out to get rid of the awful taste.

Namjoon stopped next and he quickly done the same as Yoongi.

Jungkook continued throwing up for quite a while, he had eaten more than everyone else the night before since it was his favourite meal.

Once Jungkook stopped the quickly downed the glass of water before panting hard and falling against the floor.

Jin and Hoseok helped the three boys into bed before Jin went downstairs to make them all bowls of fruit which they all enjoyed, he passed Yoongi a bowl filled with mostly tangerines, while the other two got a mix of every fruit they basin the house before Jin went back downstairs to make the same for everyone else.

Just as he was finishing the last bowl he heard crying from upstairs and he quickly rushed so it would hopefully not wake the others up.

Jin quickly went to the room the crying was coming from and Kyung-Min was holding on to the railing of the crib as he stood up.

"Aww baby" Jin said as he picked the boy up and took him out of the room.

The boy continued crying loudly as Jin took him downstairs and sat him on the table.

"What's wrong baby?" Jin said, moving the boys hair our of his face.

"B-b-bad d-dream" the boy said as best as he could.

Recently the boy had begun the stutter, they took him to a pediatrician but the only advice was take him to a speech therapist which they did once a week, it has helped a bit but he just needed more time.

"Did you have a nightmare hunny?" Jin asked and the younger boy nodded his head.

"Aww it's okay, do you want some food?" Jin said as the child began to calm down.

"Y-yeah, h-h-hungry" the boys said making Jin smile as he put him in his high chair before passing the plastic bowl full of fruit to him.

The boy gave a bunny toothed smile before he began eating it, Jin smiled as well as Yoongi came downstairs.

"Hyung, I'm gonna go to the studio for a bit" Yoongi said making Jin frown.

"Yoongi, you can't over work yourself, take Hoseok with you" Jin said and Yoongi shook his head.

"Hoseok's looking after Namjoon and Jungkook, I'll be fine Hyung, I'll come back in two hours" Yoongi said with a gummy smile making Jin give in.

"Okay, two hours nothing more" Jin said and the younger boy nodded his head before putting his earphones in and leaving the house.

Taehyung and Jimin came downstairs, Taehyung carrying the older boy who was half asleep on his back.

"Where's Yoongi Hyung?" Taehyung asked as he put Jimin on one of the chairs.

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