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Jimin 14 weeks

Taehyung 10 weeks

The boys invited over their manager to talk about Jimin and Taehyung.

They were meant to tell him a couple of months ago but the author forgot.

It was around 7 pm when Bang arrived just in time to have dinner with the boys.

They all began to eat the delicious food that Jin and Yoongi had made when Bang asked a simple question with a hard answer.

"Why did you invite me over? you said you had something to tell me" Bang said looking at the boys.

"Well, you see we do have something to tell you it's just a bit hard to explain," Namjoon says confusing Bang even more.

"Oh don't tell me one of you is pregnant or something," Bang jokes but all the boys stay silent.

"Wait are you serious?" Bang shouts startling some of the boys.

Namjoon just nods his head.

"Well, who's pregnant?" Bang asks sounding excited.

"Well 2 of us are," Jin says before pointing at the two 95liners.

"How far along are you two?" Bang asks.

"I'm 14 weeks and Taehyung is 10," Jimin says pushing the loose t-shirt against his stomach to show off his big bump that won't be easy to hide in the next couple weeks.

"Jimin are you only pregnant with one?" Bang asks and Jimin shakes his head shocking Bang even more.

"Twins?" Bang asks and Jimin nods.

"Wow umm okay, when do you plan on telling ARMY?" Bang asks.

"We were going to talk to you first and when do you think we should?" Jin says.

"I think you should tell them tonight because soon Jimin and Taehyung's bumps will become more visible and you two won't be able to perform and we have shows I have booked for December," Bang says making the two 95liners eyes widen.

"We will be 8 months along by then and I want to perform maybe me and Taehyung can just sit in chairs at the back and sing," Jimin says.

"I'll see what I can do but it all depends on what's happening that month," Bang says trying not to upset them as the two hormonal boys nod their heads.

"What do we tell ARMY's about our relationship?" Hoseok asks.

"Just tell them and you know you have a lot of ARMY's and the company to protect you," Bang says making the boys smile.

"Okay it's getting late so I should go and you can do that V-live then," Bang says as he stands up and yawns.

"Bye boys" he says before walking out the front door towards his car before driving away.

"Okay so let's go" Jungkook says before standing up and running towards the living room which causes a race that the two pregnant male don't want any part of.

They just walk slowly hand in hand as they let nervousness get to them knowing a lot of their fans will find it weird but they don't care.

They only care if the boys will stay with them.


They slowly reached the living room before going to sitting on the couch in between all the members.

They all just smile and before Namjoon sets up the camera.

They all link hands knowing it won't be in view of the camera.

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