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Jimin-36 Weeks + 3 days
Taehyung-33 Weeks
Jungkook-15 Weeks
Jin-6 Weeks

The 4 singers all sat at the back of the stage, their vocals echoing throughout the filled stadium.

They all sat there smiling, they were so lucky they were able to be on stage at all.

This was their 5th show and they were able to preform for all of them making them estatic.

Jimin began to sing his part for make it right, his vocals beautiful and making ARMY's scream.

Jimin suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back that made him stop singing but he quickly moved it so his mic was pointed at the fans so they wouldn't worry.

The pain lasted about 45 seconds and it left Jimin gasping for air.

Jimin could hear a few worried fans began to shout up at the heavily pregnant boy.

"Jimin ah you okay?" "What's wrong with Jimin" he heard a couple shouts say but it was overpowered by the fan chants.

It was about two minuets later Jimin felt the similar feeling.

It was like he was being stabbed in the back and punched in the stomach.

Jimin curled up and placed his hand on his bump as he hunched over slightly.

Jin noticed and leaned over moving his mic away from his mouth to talk to Jimin privately.

"Jimin you okay? What's wrong?" Jin said as he looked at the younger boy whose face held a look of pain and panic.

Jimin looked at the elder just as the song finished and he quickly moved his mic away from his face.

"I don't know it just hurts I think they are coming" He whispers making the elders eyes widen.

"Okay Jimin breath I'll get the others" Jin said as he quickly stood up and walked towards the 3 rappers all stood at the front of the stage.

They took out their ear pieces once the song was over and they looked confused when they couldn't hear screaming but they all heard Jimin's name being spread around like a fire.

Just as they were about to turn around they saw Jin who quickly whispered "Jimin's going into labor" Jin whispered before quickly rushing back to the younger boy.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he quickly followed the elder and Yoongi and Hoseok followed after they saw Jimin panting hard while his face was scrunched up.

They all crowded around him and kneeled infront of him trying to comfort the younger.

Suddenly the pregnant younger screamed as a hard contraction hit.

"Shit, Namjoon, Hoseok carry him off now" Jin instructed and the two boys quickly made work helping the younger off his seat before Hoseok picked him up bridal style before begining to walk.

As Hoseok picked him up the younger screamed a bit more and clear fluid fell from the younger's pants meaning his water had just broke, Hoseok quickly began to run off stage as fans began screaming if Jimin was okay and some of them not understanding what was happening.

"Okay I'm sorry to cut the concert short but Jimin has just gone into labor and we can't continue so you all must go home" Namjoon said before exiting off stage behind all the others.

Fans began to leave.

Soon as they were backstage the boys took their mics off and Hoseok carried Jimin into the dressing room gently laying him down on the couch.

"Fuck Hoseok it hurts so bad" Jimin cried as tears fell down his face.

"I know baby calm down a bit and we can sort things out easier" Hoseok said running his hand down Jimin's puffy cheeks.

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