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Jimin-9 weeks
Jin-20 weeks
Taehyung-17 weeks

The three pregnant boy were up early, trying to decide in the colours for their wedding, they all had different ideas of their perfect day.

They still hadn't decided where they were going one their honeymoon but they decided as far away from people as possible.

After dispatch had posted their photos, a bunch of people began speaking about how it had gone too far, they lost a couple fans but it didn't bother them.

They were better off without the people that didn't accept them.

They were slightly happy that there were photos of that moment, a happy memory but they were disappointed that it was posted for everyone to see without them being ready to tell.

They were also happy they hadn't picked up on Jimin's pregnancy because every time any of their pregnancies are talked about they get a bunch of comments that were too upsetting for the boys to even think about but it was better than it used to be.

"I think a rainbow theme would work well" Jin suggested making Jimin and Taehyung shake their heads.

"Jin that would be so cheesy" Jimin said with a slight nod from Taehyung who agreed.

At the moment they had mostly decided on purple but we're still giving options.

However, Jin looked very pale and it was worrying the boys.

"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asked and Jin nodded his head.

"I'm just a little dizzy, must have been something I ate, or I got what the twins had" a couple days ago the twins threw up a couple time and the next day they were completely fine.

"Okay I like the purple-" Jin quickly cut himself off as he stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom before throwing up.

Jimin and Taehyung weren't feeling that well either and the sound of someone puking pretty much tipped them over the edge as they ran into the bathroom and began throwing up in the sink.

Namjoon was the first one in the room trying to comfort all the boys who were crying and throwing up.

Hoseok and Yoongi was the next two to come in and they all helped the boys, after they all stopped, the rappers grabbed them all glasses of water and helped them all into bed and checked their temperature which was too hot.

The members where pretty sure the boys had a sickness since the twins had the same symptoms 2 days ago.

It was only a small cold and the twins symptoms were gone as quickly they had arrived.

They three pregnant boys fell asleep cuddling each other and Yoongi and Hoseok cleaned the bathroom while Namjoon when to wake Jungkook, the younger boy wasn't feeling well and quickly threw up aswell as Namjoon rubbed his back, feeling sorry for the younger boy, but he knew he was probably going to be in the same situation tomorrow.

He helped the younger boy into bed with the 3 pregnant boys and he quickly fell asleep before he left and went to make toast for everyone.

He wasn't that much of a chef and Jin normally made breakfast.

Hoseok and Yoongi were bringing the kids downstairs as some of them sat and watched TV while the others played with toys on the floor.

Namjoon gave the older kids their toast on plastic plates before making some for him, Yoongi and Hoseok, and after that they would feed the babies with bottles.

All of them eating quietly before one of the kids began crying, Yoongi standing up immediately and running into the living room, where Ji-su and Ara were trying to comfort Miri, and Yoongi looked over to Kyung-min stood in the corner of the room not looking at anyone.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked Ji-Su as he picked up Miri and began rocking her side to side.

"Kyungie pushed MiMi because she wouldn't give her his toy" Ji-Su informed, pointing over at the little dinosaur plushie that was on the floor.

Yoongi walked over to the kitchen and gave Miri to Hoseok for him to calm her down while he went to talk to Kyung-min.

He kneeled down behind Kyung-Min as the younger boy looked behind him quickly turning back around when he saw Yoongi.

"Kyung-Min, you can't push people" Yoongi said and Kyung-Min turned around and began crying.

"I wanted Miji but Mi wouldn't give me" Kyung-Min tried to explain.

"So, baby you can't push her, she is smaller than you and could have hurt her, she also doesn't understand so next time come and tell one of us, now please go and apologize" Yoongi said and the young boy nodded his head as he walked over to where Hoseok was holding Miri who had calmed down.

"I'm sorry Mimi" Kyung-Min said and the baby giggled at him before reaching forward and grabbing his hair, Yoongi quickly stopped her, all the babies like to pull hair.

"Thanks Kyungie, now go and play" Yoongi said and the boy nodded his head before running back into the living room.

"Is she okay?" Yoongi asked sitting back down to continue as Namjoon walked into the living room to watch the kids.

"She just bumped her head, she's okay now" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as he continued eating.

After they finished, Yoongi made 5 bottles of milk before the rappers fed the babies.

Everything was a lot harder without Jin, Jimin, Tae and Jungkook but they were powering through it, and they didn't want the kids to be sick, even though it was likely to happen since Ji-So and Ji-Ho were with them before and after even though they tried to keep them away.

As the day was progressing the rappers began feeling more and more sick and when Ji-Su shouted that one of the babies had a used diaper they were dreading it.

They normally wouldn't throw up at things like this since they were used to it but just as Namjoon was about to change the baby and hand was on his shoulder and he was really thankful to see Jin.

"Go to bed Namjoon, I'll do it" Jin said and Namjoon nodded his head as he walked into his own bedroom, spreading himself out on the bed before pretty much passing out.

The next time Namjoon woke up it was 4am, and he had been asleep for 15 hours, he was also in his pyjamas and Yoongi and Hoseok had got in bed with him, squishing the leader in between them, but Namjoon felt completely fine making him sigh in relief but he knew the next day was going to be filled with upset, sick kids making him sigh as he lay back down and fell asleep.

So my wattpad has been acting weird and won't allow me to change my password, I just want to say here, just in case anyone is logged into my account, I will never say anything, racist, sexist, homophobic or anything offensive, if anyone is in my account and says something like that I will address it as soon as possible.

I'm going to bed now since it's 2am😴😴


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