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After a couple of weeks, the BTS members have grew even closer but something wasn't okay with Jimin.

He was throwing up every morning and began getting headaches.

The others have insisted he goes to the hospital but he refuses.

This morning was the same Jin woke up to the sound of Jimin puking and rushed into the bathroom and when he got there Taehyung and Hoseok were already there telling Jimin he needed to go to the hospital.

But he kept saying it would get better by himself.

"Jimin I give you one week and if your not better I'm taking you to the hospital, and you have no say" Jin said to Jimin as he leans over the toilet to empty his stomach more.

After about 5 minutes he finished puking and he quickly brushed his teeth to get the acidic taste out of his mouth.

"Do you want anything to eat Jimin?" Jin asked standing in the kitchen.

"Blueberries!" He said while rushing into the kitchen and going toward the fridge to grab a packet of blueberries which they had several packs of because they are the only things Jimin would eat and not puke up immediately after it.

He sat down on the couch and placed his head on Namjoon's lap as Namjoon laced his hands through Jimin's bleached blonde hair as Jimin ate the blueberries.

"You feeling okay baby?" Namjoon asked softly.

Jimin nodded his head "I'm just really hungry" he says with a little giggle.

Everyone smiles at Jimin as he clings to Namjoon watching some K-drama that no ones paying attention to.

"Jimin I have to get up" Namjoon says trying to stand up only to have Jimin grab onto his waist.

"Nuu Namjoonie stay here" he whines clinging onto his waist.

Namjoon removes Jimin's hand from his waist and leans down to kiss him on the lips lightly before standing up and going out the door.

Hoseok walks up to Jimin and cuddles him.

Hoseok and Jin get to stay off with Jimin so they can look after him.

Jimin cuddles up to Hoseok and began to fall asleep but Hoseok picked him up and carried him to there shared room before placing him gently onto the bed and tucking him under the covers and getting in the bed to spoon Jimin as they both fall asleep snoring softly.

Jin, on the other hand, was in the kitchen reading a couple of reports on the computer about male pregnancy and the thing that scared him was that Jimin had all the symptoms.

Clinginess, vomiting, headaches, cravings, stomach aches.

He knew he had to do something quickly so he got changed and put on a face mask to not get detected by any fans because that would be the worst thing to happen.

He walked down to the shop and bought a couple of different pregnancy tests before paying for them.

He walked back home and to his luck, Hoseok was still sleeping and Jimin was sat on the sofa.

"Hey, Jinnie-Hyung!" Jimin exclaimed from the living room.

"Hi Jimin how are you feeling?" Jin asked him.

"I feel a lot better now," he says as he snuggles into Jin's side.

"Jimin I think I might know what's wrong with you but you have to promise not to freak out," Jin says rummaging through the bag for the tests Jin bought.

"Umm Okay Jinnie-Hyung," he says smiling widely.

That smile drops when Jin holds out some of the pregnancy tests.

"Are you being serious?" He questions as Jin nods slowly not looking him in his eyes.

"Okay this has to be a joke come on it's not funny," he says getting a bit more agitated.

"Jimin just take the tests," Jin told him.

"Fine but I'll be laughing when they come out negative," he says sounding pissed off and he snatches the tests out of Jin's hands and walked into the bathroom.

Another symptom: Mood swings.

Jin waits there silently thinking about how life could be if they had a baby walking around.

After a couple of minutes Jimin walks out of the bathroom tears streaming down his face as he flops onto the sofa and leaning on Jin.

"Jiminie what's wrong?" Jin asks.

Jimin passes over 3 pregnancy tests two of them saying pregnant while one has a plus sign on it.

"Holy fuck," Jin said before covering his mouth immediately after.

"I'm not ready for a baby Jin and what will the others think what if they don't want it and what if the breakup with me and kick me out of the group because I will ruin everything," Jimin says wailing into the older boys chest making tear streaks on my t-shirt.

"Trust me Jimin they won't they love you too much just to let you go like that and a baby won't ruin anything it just may make things a bit harder but we can get through it we are BTS and we don't forget or leave each other behind, and by any chance do you know who the dad is?" Jin asks talking to Jimin softly.

"Yes, I think it's Hoseok but I'm scared Jin what if he doesn't want it?" Jimin says crying harder.

"Hoseok would love to have kids Jimin and he loves you too he will be happy trust me and I think you should tell him," Jin says to Jimin

After a couple of seconds, Hoseok walks out of their shared room towards the living room but runs over once he sees Jimin crying.

"Oh my God Jiminie are you okay? what's wrong? what happened?" He asks frantically.

Jimin looks up to me and Jin nods back at him.

He grabs the tests and passes them to Hoseok who takes them and looks at them silently for a minute.

"Is this a joke?" he says as Jimin's shakes his head as more tears streamed down his cheeks.

Then Hoseok hugs him tightly "thank you for telling me Jimin, who's is it?" He asks.

"It's yours," Jimin says looking at Hoseok's face light up.

"Oh my God I'm gonna be a dad Oh my God Oh my God Jin I'm going to be a dad I'm gonna have a little me running around!!" He says excitedly.

"Lord help us," Jin says sarcastically.

"Hey my children will be absolute angels don't even lie," he says hitting Jin's leg slightly.

Jimin's hands find themselves resting on his stomach as he smiles at the thought of his children running around.

"We have to tell the others when they get back," Jin says to Jimin making his smile falter.

"They will be angrier the longer you don't tell them" Hoseok hums softly to Jimin with his hands around his waist and head resting on Jin's lap.

"I'll tell them but I scared what happens if they kick me out of the group and break up with me?" Jimin asks in a small voice as he starts to tear up again.

"Hey it will be okay Jiminie" Jin says leaning down to kiss Jimin on the forehead lightly.

"We love you Minnie" Hoseok and Jin say in together.



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