Chapter 1

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"You okay in here? Don't need any help do ya?"

"No I told you already I got this I just- I need some more time to figure this out."

"Alright then but just remember I'm always here if you need the extra hand."

"Yea so you can tell me "I told you so" after."

"Well yea."

"Tony I got it, if I need your help..which I WONT. I will let you know."

"Okay well I'll be downstairs," he said walking away before coming back in.

"Oh and don't be too long Pep is gonna make dinner and I've been pretty busy so I told her we would both eat with her tonight so come on down in a bit for dinner."

"Okay," I said as he left space? My office? I don't know what to call it Tony has like a hundred different rooms in this tower and he calls them all his office. So I guess my work space, I've been working on a suit myself as one of the ways to prove to Tony that I'm ready to be an Avenger.

I've really looked up to Tony as the person to be there for me ever since our aunt died and seeing how far he has come really makes me proud of him. When our parents died my aunt took me in and then unfortunately when I was seventeen she passed away and ever since then I've lived with Tony. I just want to help people like he does, so I've been somewhat training and making my own suits to prove to him that I'm ready to be on the team while working for him here in The Stark Tower just helping him do simple tasks. Of course there have been many fails and this time I'm sure it's gonna pan out the way I want it to.
He told me that if this is successful he may just consider it but that I would have to train with someone professional and work real hard, and that's even if he considers it.

"So what's for dinner?"

"Well I was too tired and I was in meetings all day so I thought I'd just order some pizza."

"And by I she means me," Tony said smiling.

"Yea, I told you I could make something."

"And I told you I got it, and I did," he says with a cheeky smile as I sit down at the dinner table next to Pepper.

"'s the suit coming?" Pepper asked.

"Well it's coming, but I really think this one is gonna pan out how I want it to."

"Is it like Tony's suits?"

"Yea but I'm obviously gonna add some touch ups to it to make it"

"Well why haven't you asked Tony to help?" She asked glaring at Tony.

"I told her!"

"No! I'm fine Pep, it's like I told Tony...I just need a bit more time."

"Alright then. I know you got it though. You're so smart."

"Not as smart as me," Tony said with a know it all look on his face.

"Yea whatever."

"OH! The team is gonna be here tomorrow for a meeting by the way so I'm probably gonna be busy so you can just do whatever tomorrow. You can work on your suit and maybe some training because you got some spaghetti looking arms J."

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