Nathan "Skull" James

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Warning:curse words ahead

   "Yeah,the light blue ones." I say to the cashier,pulling out my fake ID. 

He hands me my cigarettes like a good human,and then looks at my ID.

"It's fak-" he says. Unfortunately,he doesn't get to finish his sentence because my hand  had already collided with his  skin. I snatch the cigarettes,pulling my hoodie up and keeping my head down the whole way so the cameras couldn't catch me,and calmly open the door. I guess he would have chased after me;if I didn't grab the keys to the gas station.  I lock the door on his sorry ass,and head to where I felt most safe. The beach. 

The cold rocks chill my feet as I lay down,watching the sunset. I take another puff when I hear voices near me.  Shit. Usually,this part of the beach was left alone,but I guess some people thought this was a good part of the beach despite all the rocks and the few sand. I was about to move,but who they were caught my attention. It was a dude and a chick.(AN:not the vocabulary I use btw,this is what this character uses) There hands were clasped together,and they were both laughing. I remember Lyla and I used to do that. Lyla. The name still hurt to think about. Fearing the tears might fall again,I take another puff. My eyes stay fixated on the two though. I could  hear them now.

"Stop Percy!" The chick laughed as the dude threw sand in her face. Oh so the dude's name was Percy? What kind of mother would name their kid Percy? Loser. 

"Ok." The dude said. Only a second later though,he picked her up cradle style and threw her in the ocean. 

The chick went under for a second before coming back up just a second later.

"Hi seaweed brain. How about a hug?" The girl asks,a smirk plastered on her face. Seaweed brain? How high are these two? Then I realized I was probably the high one,and my brain shuts up. 

Seaweed brain dude starts running,but the girl had the head start,and she catches up to him.

"Wise girl! Come on!" Seaweed brain says. Wise girl? What kind of boring ass nickname is that? At least seaweed brain has some originality to it. Wise girl is just boring. 

   Both drenched in water,(AN:Percy won't dry himself because he is aware of the mortals around.) the couple kiss each other for a second,before one of them tells another joke and they both crack up. I remember Lyla and I used to tell each other jokes. Damn,was she funny. My eyes start stinging ,and I realize I'm crying again. The cigarette feels foul in my mouth when I think about her. That's the whole reason  we're not together anymore anyways. Next thing I know,I'm flat out bawling on the ground,and the cigarette pack is bobbing in the sea. 

"Hey man what happened?" A voice says,and I realize it's seaweed brain and wise girl coming to the to the rescue. 

I normally would shut people like them off,but I needed someone to rant to.

"Well,where do I start. Hi,I'm skull.My family doesn't give 2 shits about me,I only go there house to sleep,my love of my life broke up with me because I was smoking underage. Now,I just dropped out of school because I can't deal with that  on top of all my emotional stress. And when I see you two,it just reminds me of the good times I had with her.  Fwock,(AN:Fwock is inspired by the wonderful SeaSickFish) now  I'm cracking up." My voice gets more and more distorted each second I say that,probably because of the tears streaming down my face.

"We have had our relationship problems too. What I recommend is just try to quit smoking and apologize to her. It will make you feel much better even if she declines. And about family and school,I would try to stay in school just because of how important it is,but if you hate your family,I understand. I have a rocky relationship too with my family." The girl says solemnly. 

"Family problems? But you guys seem so perfect?" I ask.

"Perfect? Oh no we are no where near perfect. Annabeth and  I's relationship has had minor issues,but we both have our other problems." Percy says as he wraps a protective arm around Annabeth. I remember when I used to do that with Lyla. I was thinking about her again. The cigarette still in my hand gets smashed to pieces by foot.

"Thanks for the chit chat. But I have some apologies to make." I say. Then,for the first time in 2 months,I smile. 

Percy and Annabeth shake my hand. 

"Good luck. See you around...?What should I call you again. " Annabeth says. "Skull?"

"Nah. Call me Nathan." 

I'll leave what happens to Lyla and Nathan to your imagination :) hope you enjoyed!


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