[Chapter 23: DEAL With It]

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"If you spend a little time with me too~"
"Wait, what!?" You exclaimed in surprise, taken aback by his request whilst your eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"It's nothing much~" The clown continued deviously, clearly trying to win you over in some way or another. "I just want to see what makes you so special to the others, that's all."

"W-uh...e...w-uh...ou...ld-uh...N-UH...EV-UH...R-UH...all-uh...ow-uh...it-uh...!" Jason shouted sulkily, losing his temper and moving closer to your side. [A/N: "We would...NEVER...allow it...!"]

Once he'd shaken his head roughly, Michael's hold on his kitchen knife tightened - siding with the Crystal Lake Killer as Norman's hand curled around your left wrist. "(Y-Y/n) is OURS-!" The dark-haired male shrieked defensively; losing complete-and-utter control over his emotions while starting to twitch from resentment. "N-Not YOURS-!"

"-I never said she was." Pennywise smoothly replied, his golden-eyes glowing with mischief whilst a teasing grin danced across his flirtatious face. "In fact, you were the one that said it, not me."

"And just how exactly can we be certain you'll keep your word?" Hannibal cleverly questioned - keeping his usual calm and composure unlike the other four. "My apologies, but for all we know, our precious (Y/n) could be gone tomorrow if we accepted your reckless request."

"You're tellin' me." Freddy snarled spitefully, scraping his sharp finger-knives along the sewer-pipes with huge amounts of hate. "Besides, if you think I'm letting this asshole anywhere NEAR her—"

After taking a deep breath, you broke away from Hannibal and quickly grasped Freddy's wrist; preventing the pissed-off dream demon from lunging towards Pennywise maliciously. "So if I trust you," You spoke timidly, turning your attention towards Pennywise and trying to somehow defuse the drama. "And take you up on your deal, will you promise? Will you promise to keep me - and my other three friends - alive?"

"How can you still count them as—?" Pennywise stared you down with a puzzled expression - not understanding your decision whatsoever. After all, hadn't the four of you fallen out with one another earlier?

"Poke my nose around in other people's business...?"
"Yeah! Are you that full of yourself that you didn't even recognise it?" You insulted swiftly, not realising how dark you sounded as you switched personality completely. "You've always been that way! From planning a party and inviting people just because they invited you to theirs last year, to just inviting boys because they're "cute". I mean, sheesh, how shallow can you get?"

"What the Hell, (Y/n)?" Cadence questioned with wide eyes, clasping both hands to her chest as she gasped a little bit. "What's gotten into you? Amber and Laura were just worried about you...You're our friend, and—"
"Well, why don't the three of you just stop harassing me about my new friends and leave me alone!?" Hoisting the strap of your bag onto your shoulder, you pushed past your friends and left the classroom - feeling oddly resentful towards them.

"Because friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there." You passionately defended, thinking back to your previous fight and feeling your empathy rise. "Besides, everyone has fights. They're a common thread in society."

"(Y-Y/n)..." Norman stammered shyly, admiring your words with all his heart while a heavy pink coloured his cheeks. "Y-You...You're always s-so...so sweet..."

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