[Chapter 62: Saturday Morning]

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"I-Is everything alright, (Y-Y/n)...? Y-You seem a little bit more tired t-than usual..." Norman anxiously remarked, finishing his food quicker than you and placing his fork down on his plate beforehand. "K-Krueger didn't g-give you any trouble last night, d-did he...?"

Snapping out of your slightly-sleepy state, you shook your head and smiled; still waking up from Freddy's typical, psychopathic personality. "Nah...I was able to handle him this time around." You replied lightly, thinking back to his over-the-top dramatics and how obsessive he tended to be. "He just starts to become too much sometimes, that's all."

"Are you certain of that...?" Hannibal politely chimed in, reaching across the table to give your hands a soft squeeze. "Because I've noticed that over these last few days, you've had matching luggage again."

"Matching luggage again...?" You repeated curiously, frowning with confusion whilst you also finished your breakfast. "I think I might still be half-asleep, but—"

"The bags under your eyes." The psychiatrist pointed out pleasantly, shooting you a soothing look and doing his best to be sympathetic. "Nightmares, by any chance...?"

"Only occasionally." You dryly admitted, rolling your eyes and finding it relatively funny. "Besides, that's just a part of his nature, so I don't really mind. Anyway, I'm surviving, aren't I...?"

"(Y-Y/n)..." Norman sighed in despair; concern shining from his eyes whilst he worried over your overall health state and picked up your empty plate, along with his.

"Perhaps it would be best if you took it easy today. Maybe relax this Saturday and caught up on some more rest, or something along those lines...?" Hannibal gently suggested; his charming handholding causing your cheeks to glow a heavy pink and making you feel less exhausted.

"While that would be a nice way to spend my Saturday, I promised Jason I'd visit Camp Crystal Lake today." You reminded them all warmly, pulling away from Hannibal before tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear and standing up. "So I'm afraid I'd have to decline said offer."

"I usually disagree with lesser species such as these, but you probably should stay here today, sweetie~" Pennywise tauntingly interjected, materialising into the dining room before you could even open your mouth or argue with his statement. "It's for the best~"

"But it's a Saturday." You protested with a weary huff, knowing deep down that this was going to happen. "And you guys aren't usually this protective over me. So what's going on...? Why are you guys acting so—"

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