Towa Arc - 1

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Dear Togami,

I am happy to hear about your new position in Future Foundation! After everything we've been through, you've definitely earned it. Guess you're my boss now though, huh? You've always acted like it anyways, so I don't mind taking orders from you. I've gotten used to it. Currently, I'm with Komaru in Towa City, trying to rebuild the place. You won't believe how nightmarish it's gotten here, despite Komaru and Toko's work to rebuild it. Dead bodies are everywhere, I'm a little overwhelmed with having to clean it up. Even worse, we don't even know how to identify most people. I'm trying to collect and preserve as much information about the people who lived here as I can, but so much destruction has occurred. It's heartbreaking to see this, but I'll get through it. The survivors in Towa City are doing as well as they can given the conditions, Toko and my sister have gotten much done while we were dealing with...other things. The adults still distrust the children, who don't seem to remember much about the incident or what they were a part of. I'm trying to calm hostilities down the best I can, but it's difficult. Even some of the parents of the children don't love them anymore...

Regarding our upcoming project, preparations for it have been delayed because of my current task. I ask you for about a week or so to focus on this before resuming work on restoring the Academy. All this missing time will be made up for, I promise.

I'm sure you don't want to hear much about me, so I wanted to ask about your current responsibilities. Being the leader of the 14th division must be stressful, you can always rely on me for help on anything, you know! Are you going to get a different office? I know you like to have your own space, and the one you were in seemed to be getting a little cramped at the main building. I don't mind the smaller space myself, it's less work I have to put into cleaning up the place! Besides work, what have you been doing for yourself? Hina always has stressed that personal relaxing time is good, and I hope you take her advice. Speaking of Hina, do you know anything about her and Kirigiri? I heard Kirigiri sneaked away with her on a won't be long before they announce they're official...hopefully. Hina isn't very good at hiding her admiration for Kyoko, but Kyoko doesn't seem to pick up on it...

Anyway, I hope this letter finds you well. I can't wait to see where you are going to take the 14th division. And also, Toko wanted me to tell you that she misses you, and is wondering when you will come visit her.


Makoto Naegi

Putting Pen To Paper - Naegami StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora