Eyeteeth Arc - 11

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Phone Call Transcription

Kirigiri: Hello? Makoto? Why are you calling me?

Caller: Kyoko! I need your help.

Kirigiri: Oh, now you do?

Caller: Please.

Kirigiri: You disappeared, and went all the way back to South Korea, and are calling me for help? I'm a long ways away.

Caller: It's Byakuya.

Kirigiri: And? What's he doing now?

Caller: I think he's coming to find me. So he can bring me back or something. But I need to be here.

Kirigiri: What you need is to relax.

Caller: Don't patronize me, you don't understand. If he's here, then he's going to stop me from helping. And I need to help. After everything.

Kirigiri: All you do is help, Naegi.

Caller: I'm the Ultimate Hope, isn't that what I'm supposed to do.

Kirigiri: When was the last time I solved a mystery?

Caller: That's different. I'm needed here, I'm the reason this place was attacked.

Kirigiri: Won't you quit that already?

Caller: Quit what?

Kirigiri: Quit saying that!

Caller: Don't you understand Kyoko? How awful this is for me.

Kirigiri: You left us in the middle of the night, without a word! And you didn't answer Byakuya or I, or Hina, or anyone else who loves you! You're one of the few people we have left. Don't you understand how concerned we are? You didn't do anything wrong until you stepped foot onto that boat without a farewell, a warning, anything. Byakuya's been horribly broken down by his worry, you should have expected him to follow sooner or later! Especially with the way you write to him, the words you use to wrap him around your finger. I'm surprised he didn't leave the minute he learned where you were. Really, I should be going with him, but I can't move as carelessly as he does when it comes to you. You really think he's going to drag you back here?

Caller: What else would he do?

Kirigiri: Makoto. He loves you.

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