International Hope! Arc - 13

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Dear Byakuya,

I wish I were there so you wouldn't have to see the horrifying things in the school. Or at least so I could support you. I can't imagine the extent of your strength, to be able to do all this. I love your bravery, your commitment. I just wish that I could be there for you, these letters aren't as nice as the sound of your voice, or the in-person you.

We will have to arrange a celebration of our classmates, we have good memories together, and what we saw of them-that wasn't all of them. Even from just seeing pictures, I can somehow feel them coming back to me, seeing their smiles is proof that the people on the broadcast weren't the reality of who they fully were. I wish I had the kind of reminders of them that you have, though I'd rather you have those small memories than me. You deserve to get those memories back, Byakuya.

Of course Byakuya, you don't have to thank me for caring for you. I always will care for you, whether you like it or now. I'm pretty sure I'm repeating myself with that now, though. But it doesn't hurt to remind the people you love of your affection, right?

Last night, the moon was almost glowing orange. Did you see it? I was entranced. It was like magic. I don't know how, or why that happens, but it felt like a sign of hope on the horizon. I thought of you all the time while looking at it, wondering if you were seeing the marvel in the sky. I hope you did. If you didn't, you missed out! I have a picture I can show you when we're together in case you were too busy.

Presents are a main part of Christmas, you aren't going to slip out of that tradition! I already have a list of things I might want to give you, so there's no backtracking out of this! Also, if you get me something, please include a fluffy blanket, hot cocoa, we can share over a movie! We'll have to see if there are any holiday specials preserved anywhere.

The meetings here at the Liberation Force are still going well, we are making a lot of progress! They're planning to get a lot more refugees from other countries here, so we'll see how that goes. I'm going with them, a "symbol of hope" for the people who have been trapped in ruined areas. They have also been discussing ways to gather people who are a part of the Ultimate Despair, but there's no definite plan for that just yet.

Anyway, good luck at Hope's Peak! Remember that you need to hydrate, sleep, and relax every day!

Your friend, Makoto Naegi, xoxo :)

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